Telehealth Assignments Assignment Prompt Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments. an infographic can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive. descriptive, persuasive, etc. InfograPhics provide quick way to convey a lot of information. For example, this infographic on Integrating Virtual Clinics conveys interesting data much more concisely than another paragraph inserted here could have: Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth. Create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the ‘What, Why, When and How- of Telehealth Choose to focus on one or more the following suggested topic areas, however, students may choose

Telehealth Assignments Assignment Prompt Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments. an infographic can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive. descriptive, persuasive, etc. InfograPhics provide quick way to convey a lot of information. … Read more

Observational Methods Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can be quantified in some way. Discuss the use of systematic observations as a data collection procedure in quantitative research. Locate a research study on Proquest or EbscoHost that utilized systematic observations in their data collection procedures. Provide a description regarding how the systematic observations were conducted and how the behavior observed was quantified. What are some potential limitations of the methods that were used? Post should be at least 300 words.

Observational Methods Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can … Read more

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice behavior expectations. In this week’s reflection discussion, choose at least 1 core competencies from the APN( nurse practitioners) role. Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills? Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences? Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences? Reflect on actions you plan to take to further develop your thinking and skills on your identified competency as it applies to the advanced practice nurse role.

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice … Read more

Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can be quantified in some way. Discuss the use of systematic observations as a data collection procedure in quantitative research. Locate a research study on Proquest or EbscoHost that utilized systematic observations in their data collection procedures. Provide a description regarding how the systematic observations were conducted and how the behavior observed was quantified. What are some potential limitations of the methods that were used? Post should be at least 300 words.

Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can be quantified … Read more

List and explain three objections Anti-Federalists had to the 1787 Constitution. Describe how one of these objections was overcome in the ratification process. Lastly, if you were alive during this time, would you have supported the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help you prepare your answer, but your paper must be the result of your own personal commentary and opinions only.

List and explain three objections Anti-Federalists had to the 1787 Constitution. Describe how one of these objections was overcome in the ratification process. Lastly, if you were alive during this time, would you have supported the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help … Read more

Is the traditional mainstream media biased? If so, how is the media biased, towards a particular political party? Towards a particular ideology? Why, in your opinion, is this the case? Explain If the traditional mainsteram media is biased, are there alternative sources of information that we can get our news from? Any examples that you would like to share with us? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help you prepare your answer, but your paper must be the result of your own personal commentary and opinions only.

Is the traditional mainstream media biased? If so, how is the media biased, towards a particular political party? Towards a particular ideology? Why, in your opinion, is this the case? Explain If the traditional mainsteram media is biased, are there alternative sources of information that we can get our news from? Any examples that you … Read more

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice behavior expectations. In this week’s reflection discussion, choose at least 1 core competencies from the APN( nurse practitioners) role. Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills? Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences? Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences? Reflect on actions you plan to take to further develop your thinking and skills on your identified competency as it applies to the advanced practice nurse role.

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice … Read more

Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can be quantified in some way. Discuss the use of systematic observations as a data collection procedure in quantitative research. Locate a research study on Proquest or EbscoHost that utilized systematic observations in their data collection procedures. Provide a description regarding how the systematic observations were conducted and how the behavior observed was quantified. What are some potential limitations of the methods that were used? Post should be at least 300 words.

Observational methods can be utilized to provide descriptions of behaviors in both quantitative and qualitative research designs. In qualitative research, observations are generally recorded in great detail to investigate the ways in which people act and interact. In quantitative research, observation studies are very different and focus on a specific behavior that can be quantified … Read more

Spillover Read chapter 7 of spillover and post a • Provide a general review of the cha • • What is the chain of infection for virus tr transmission, and portal of entry in susce PW* ent, reservoir, mode(s) of virus. Sf • Describe in detail how 3 concepts we’ chapter (excluding things described in States) Accessibility: Good to go ow** woo ‘air in the class apply to this in of infection” section) Focus

Spillover Read chapter 7 of spillover and post a • Provide a general review of the cha • • What is the chain of infection for virus tr transmission, and portal of entry in susce PW* ent, reservoir, mode(s) of virus. Sf • Describe in detail how 3 concepts we’ chapter (excluding things described in … Read more

1.What is the shape of water? 2.What is autoionization, and how is it important for water? 3.Name the three non-covalent forces discussed in this module. 4.What type of non-covalent interaction is known as the strongest dipole-dipole force? 5.Would the following be a hydrogen donor or acceptor? Or both? 6.How does the strength of London forces change with increasing molecular weight? Explain briefly. 7.Calculate the pH of a solution containing 0.12 M of OH– . 8.If a solution contains 0.00023M of H+, then what is the OH – concentration? 9.If a solution contains 1.67 x 10-8 M OH – , then what is H + concentration? 10.A solution contains H+ at a concentration of 1.67 x 10-6 M. Is the solution acidic, basic, or neutral? Explain briefly. 11.What is the concentration, in M, of water as a pure liquid? 12.Define Keq and K w . 13.Identify the acid, conjugate base, and proton in the following reaction. 14.A buffer system has a pKa of 8.5. What is its effective buffering range? 15.A buffer system has [H +] = 1.2 x 10 -6 , [A – ] = 1.2 x 10 -6 , and [HA] = 3.2 x 10 -5 . What is its corresponding Ka value? 16.A buffer system has [H +] = 1.2 x 10 -6 , [A – ] = 1.2 x 10 -6 , and [HA] = 3.2 x 10 -5 . What is its corresponding Ka value? 17.Ice melts at room temperature. What is the sign for Δ G in this reaction? 18.Butane combusts in the air by the following reaction: C 4 H 10 (l) + 6.5 O2 (g) ⟶ 4 CO 2 (g) + 5 H 2 O (g) What is the sign (+ or -) of Δ G, Δ H, and Δ S in this reaction? 19. What is the role of ATP in helping a non-spontaneous reaction

1.What is the shape of water?2.What is autoionization, and how is it important for water?3.Name the three non-covalent forces discussed in this module.4.What type of non-covalent interaction is known as the strongestdipole-dipole force?5.Would the following be a hydrogen donor or acceptor? Or both?6.How does the strength of London forces change with increasingmolecular weight? Explain briefly.7.Calculate … Read more


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