Conversations about diversity carry a lot of weight in any industry Read the passage that is attached to this email. After reading, answer the following questions, IN ESSAY FORM. Give an overview of the article and what it says about diversity in law enforcement agencies. Why is the article important, especially during these times in our country’s history? What made you feel different about law enforcement after reading the article? Where in the criminal justice system do you feel diversity is most important, i.e. courts, corrections, policing, etc.? How should law enforcement agencies create a culture where everyone feels accepted? Besides criminal justice, what other organizations would benefit from this article?

Conversations about diversity carry a lot of weight in any industry Read the passage that is attached to this email. After reading, answer the following questions, IN ESSAY FORM. Give an overview of the article and what it says about diversity in law enforcement agencies. Why is the article important, especially during these times in … Read more

Journal Entry Briefly describe each term below and reflect on how this technology applies to you. Provide one real-world example for each. -eBusiness Models – B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C – Brick/Click-Mortar, Pure-Play – Revenue models – Wireless Technology – 5G, NFC, RFID, WiFi, … – Wearable Tech – Evaluation/Acceptance Criteria – Metrics and KPIs – SMACITR

Journal Entry Briefly describe each term below and reflect on how this technology applies to you. Provide one real-world example for each. -eBusiness Models – B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C – Brick/Click-Mortar, Pure-Play – Revenue models – Wireless Technology – 5G, NFC, RFID, WiFi, … – Wearable Tech – Evaluation/Acceptance Criteria – Metrics and KPIs – … Read more

Explain the purposes of satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Commanding. Tracking: How is satellite position and velocity determined, and how is this information communicated to satellite operators and users? Telemetry: what are the two kinds of telemetry and what are their purposes? Commanding: what is the basic purpose of commanding a satellite?

Explain the purposes of satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Commanding. Tracking: How is satellite position and velocity determined, and how is this information communicated to satellite operators and users? Telemetry: what are the two kinds of telemetry and what are their purposes? Commanding: what is the basic purpose of commanding a satellite?

List and explain three objections Anti-Federalists had to the 1787 Constitution. Describe how one of these objections was overcome in the ratification process. Lastly, if you were alive during this time, would you have supported the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help you prepare your answer, but your paper must be the result of your own personal commentary and opinions only.

List and explain three objections Anti-Federalists had to the 1787 Constitution. Describe how one of these objections was overcome in the ratification process. Lastly, if you were alive during this time, would you have supported the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help … Read more

Is the traditional mainstream media biased? If so, how is the media biased, towards a particular political party? Towards a particular ideology? Why, in your opinion, is this the case? Explain If the traditional mainsteram media is biased, are there alternative sources of information that we can get our news from? Any examples that you would like to share with us? Requirements This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help you prepare your answer, but your paper must be the result of your own personal commentary and opinions only.

Is the traditional mainstream media biased? If so, how is the media biased, towards a particular political party? Towards a particular ideology? Why, in your opinion, is this the case? Explain If the traditional mainsteram media is biased, are there alternative sources of information that we can get our news from? Any examples that you … Read more

Business Statistics & Analysis You are provided with historical sales data for 45 stores located in different regions – each store contains a number of departments. The company also runs several promotional markdown events throughout the year. These markdowns precede prominent holidays, the four largest of which are the Super Bowl, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The weeks including these holidays are weighted five times higher in the evaluation than non-holiday weeks. Questions to be answered: Look for trends, patterns, and abnormalities in the data a. What did you find that was interesting? b. Why do you think the data looks like it does? Explain

Business Statistics & Analysis You are provided with historical sales data for 45 stores located in different regions – each store contains a number of departments. The company also runs several promotional markdown events throughout the year. These markdowns precede prominent holidays, the four largest of which are the Super Bowl, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and … Read more

Step 1 Select a group and a behavior to change. You may choose a family group, a social group, or a community group. Include information about environmental factors that may impact delivery of health promotion activities. For example, you might discuss if the group is rural or urban. access to transportation or computers and the impact (positive or negative) that these factors may have on routinely accessing health promotion information or attending group events such as health fairs. Describe the characteristics and makeup of the group you selected. Include your rationale for why this behavior is a concern and include

In this writing assignment, you will present a health-promotion plan through the use of a social marketing model. Submit a 3-4 page paper that summarizes the steps in the social marketing model to implement a health-promotion plan. Step 1 Select a group and a behavior to change. You may choose a family group, a social … Read more

Managing Talent Read the case titled Managing Talent and answer the questions below. Feel free to use any number of sources. 1. What should Gordon and Barton do about the Ivan Korsky situation? What might Barton be able to learn from the way jazz ensembles work about how to manage top-notch IT talent? 2. Should Barton seek a technological way of monitoring what his employees are doing and/or should Barton reorganize the IT function so that the best talent is in a central shared services organization available to the entire organization (rather than only a particular business unit)? What are the pros and cons of such an arrangement? 3. Select a company and develop a problem/opportunity statement and proposed solution in the area of managing talent. To help get started and improve learning, connect the response to something you may already know from your other courses, career path knowledge, or current events.

Managing Talent Read the case titled Managing Talent and answer the questions below. Feel free to use any number of sources. 1. What should Gordon and Barton do about the Ivan Korsky situation? What might Barton be able to learn from the way jazz ensembles work about how to manage top-notch IT talent? 2. Should … Read more

Service Providers (W4) Part I. Describe the various factors that have to be considered when selecting logistics service providers. How in practice do you think consignors make decisions concerning choosing logistics services? Part II. End your initial response with a follow-up question for your classmates to address in further the discussion.

Service Providers (W4) Part I. Describe the various factors that have to be considered when selecting logistics service providers. How in practice do you think consignors make decisions concerning choosing logistics services? Part II. End your initial response with a follow-up question for your classmates to address in further the discussion.


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