Topics for More Extended Papers (600-1,000 Words) “Write an analysis of a short story, focusing on a single element, such as point of view, theme, symbolism, character, or the author’s voice (tone, style, irony). Compare and contrast two stories with protagonists who share an important per- “sonality trait. Make character the focus of your essay. Write a thorough explication of a short passage (preferably not more than four sentences) in a story you admire. Pick a crucial moment in the plot, or a passage that reveals the story

Topics for More Extended Papers (600-1,000 Words) “Write an analysis of a short story, focusing on a single element, such as point of view, theme, symbolism, character, or the author’s voice (tone, style, irony). Compare and contrast two stories with protagonists who share an important per- “sonality trait. Make character the focus of your essay. … Read more

Create a 2-3 page career plan based on the template that will communicate your ideas together with your vision as a multicultural practitioner-scholar. Introduction It can be a daunting prospect to jump into the first assessment in the first course of your FlexPath master’s program. This assessment has been designed with that in mind. The length of time it will take to complete this (and all assessments) will vary from learner to learner, but remember that you may submit each assessment up to three times, making changes and improvements based on feedback from your faculty. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence. Overview Creating a plan for your career is like planning a journey. The more clearly you can envision the destination, the easier it is to lay out the path in front of you. Through your research, you have explored your passions and interests in psychology in relation to the practitioner-scholar model. This assessment asks you to now put your ideas together in your vision as a multicultural practitioner-scholar. The assessment also p

Create a 2-3 page career plan based on the template that will communicate your ideas together with your vision as a multicultural practitioner-scholar. Introduction It can be a daunting prospect to jump into the first assessment in the first course of your FlexPath master’s program. This assessment has been designed with that in mind. The … Read more

This unit addresses four main theories as they apply to motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Behavioral Learning Theory, Attribution Theory, and Expectancy Theory. For this assignment, you are tasked with creating your own unique visual representation that depicts a comparison of these four theories. By the Friday deadline, share your work with the class in the Unit 4 Assignment Forum. By the Sunday deadline, review your classmates’ work and provide at least one reply. Instructions: You can choose how you would like to create your visual representation of these four (4) theories – perhaps by making a simple graph or chart in a Word document, creating a PowerPoint slide, or using an infographic. Whichever way you decide to create it, your visual repr

This unit addresses four main theories as they apply to motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Behavioral Learning Theory, Attribution Theory, and Expectancy Theory. For this assignment, you are tasked with creating your own unique visual representation that depicts a comparison of these four theories. By the Friday deadline, share your work with the class in … Read more

Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. The Marketing department has asked you to create a blog post that they can post on the company website to promote one of the applications your team is developing. The audience for this blog post is non-technical potential customers. You asked one of your developers to draft the blog post, which you will then revise before sending it to the Marketing department. The developer has just sent you the draft of the blog post.

Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. The Marketing department has asked you to create a blog post that they can post on the company website to promote one of the applications your team is developing. The audience for this blog … Read more

SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory Semester Project Guidelines 5-6 pages (1250-2000 words) Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency. 1) Four Elements a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory. b) How this topic relates to/effected by society c) Examples from the real world d) Personal Reaction, Reflection 2) Avoid the Book Report Approach

Overview: This unit addresses four main theories as they apply to motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Behavioral Learning Theory, Attribution Theory, and Expectancy Theory. For this assignment, you are tasked with creating your own unique visual representation that depicts a comparison of these four theories. By the Friday deadline, share your work with the class … Read more

SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory Semester Project Guidelines 5-6 pages (1250-2000 words) Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency. 1) Four Elements a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory. b) How this topic relates to/effected by society c) Examples from the real world d) Personal Reaction, Reflection 2) Avoid the Book Report Approach

SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory Semester Project Guidelines 5-6 pages (1250-2000 words) Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency. 1) Four Elements a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory. b) How this topic relates to/effected … Read more

SUBJECT: Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control Direction: Explain the following statements/question in not less than 5 sentences. For each of the following misstatements in property, plants and equipment accounts, state an internal control that the client could install to prevent the misstatement from occurring. 1. The asset lives used to depreciate equipment are less than reasonable, expected useful lives. 2. Capitalizable assets are routinely expensed as repairs and maintenance, perishable tools, or supplies expense. 3. Construction equipment that is abandoned or traded for replacement equipment is not removed from the accounting records. 4. Depreciation expense for manufacturing operations is charged to administrative expenses.

SUBJECT: Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control Direction: Explain the following statements/question in not less than 5 sentences. For each of the following misstatements in property, plants and equipment accounts, state an internal control that the client could install to prevent the misstatement from occurring. 1. The asset lives used to depreciate equipment … Read more

Sam and Alicia arrived outside their boss’s office at the same time and took a seat. Both exchanged a cordial “hello”, but they didn’t say much else as they waited outside. Fidgeting nervously in their seats, the two knew that only one of them was going to receive what would be the biggest promotion of their careers. Sam and Alicia worked for a large software company and each was responsible for managing

MAN3353 MANAGEMENT CASE Sam and Alicia arrived outside their boss’s office at the same time and took a seat. Both exchanged a cordial “hello”, but they didn’t say much else as they waited outside. Fidgeting nervously in their seats, the two knew that only one of them was going to receive what would be the … Read more

1.)Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source provided. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following: The problem addressed The methodology, measurements, and sample The findings Conclusions and limitations of the research design 4.)Compare and contrast the cognitive interventions presented in your articles (at least one intervention per article) and explain why you think they would be effective. Include the following in your comparison: The respective strengths of each intervention 5.)How the articles address your target population. If they do not, what would need to be modified in the intervention? 6.) References

1.)Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry … Read more

Your primary goal in the Genre Analysis draft is to show that you’ll be able to support your thesis sentence in an organized way. You’ll want to make sure that you have: . a thesis sentence that compares or classifies and says what the main points of comparison or classification will be some examples already, even if not complete, in several body paragraphs that pull together multiple quotes from multiple sources a clear organization that shows you’ll be comparing in a point-by-point organization or classifying over a series of categories As with any draft, the more you have completed, the more commentary you’ll be able to receive. But if you aren’t able to write much, you should say what you’ll be including in your likely paragraphs.

Your primary goal in the Genre Analysis draft is to show that you’ll be able to support your thesis sentence in an organized way. You’ll want to make sure that you have: . a thesis sentence that compares or classifies and says what the main points of comparison or classification will be some examples already, … Read more


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