Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source provided. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following: The problem addressed The methodology, measurements, and sample The findings Conclusions and limitations of the research design 4.)Compare and contrast the cognitive interventions presented in your articles (at least one intervention per article) and explain why you think they would be effective. Include the following in your comparison: The respective strengths of each intervention 5.)How the articles address your target population. If they do not, what would need to be modified in the intervention? 6.) References

Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. ( Attention) 2.)Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option. (clinic school age children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other attention disorder) 3.)Create an annotated bibliography entry … Read more

Instructions Business Report You will write an effective formal report on a current business issue (within the six months before the due date) inclusive of the following parts: Topic Title page Table of contents .. Executive summary dy with at least one page with graphic/s, and appropriate referencing (APA or MLA style pagesy The total length of the body is three to four pages (double spaced) not including the title page, table of contents, executive summary, and reference page. Proper in-text citations complying with APA or MLA requirements are expected for this assignment. The graphic should be within the body of the paper, not at the beginning or at the end. Remember to check that your s

Instructions Business Report You will write an effective formal report on a current business issue (within the six months before the due date) inclusive of the following parts: Topic Title page Table of contents .. Executive summary dy with at least one page with graphic/s, and appropriate referencing (APA or MLA style pagesy The total … Read more

You are the human resources (HR) manager for a technology company that provides technical support for hospitals using computer systems that share information. Your company has just been awarded a new contract that is requiring a huge increase in the organization’s workforce. The contract will involve providing technical support for several large hospital systems in the Midwest. As a result, you have been asked to outline the process that you will use to develop an internally consistent compensation system and present it to the owners of the company for approval. Create a two-page essay in which you address the following issues: Describe the reasons why an internally consistent compensation system is necessary. Outline the process involved in creating an internally consistent compensation system. In the introduction to your essay, create a fictional name and location for your company. Make sure that your essay includes enough information to convince the owners that the time, effort, and manpower that this process will take will be worth it to the company in the long run. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed

You are the human resources (HR) manager for a technology company that provides technical support for hospitals using computer systems that share information. Your company has just been awarded a new contract that is requiring a huge increase in the organization’s workforce. The contract will involve providing technical support for several large hospital systems in … Read more

This assignment will help you understand the details of different study designs and discem the appropriateness of pecific study designs for var dentify key terms. You hypothesize that the use of social media for more than 2 hours daily is related to depression and suicide ideation. ation to the following points: operationalization of the outcome. selection of controls, and difficulties in conducting such a study. Be sure to include in your study design methods to overcome recall bias in interviews for a case-control study. between 1-2 pages. You

() Meisenger | Faceno. Week 3 Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Start Assignment This assignment will help you understand the details of different study designs and discem the appropriateness of pecific study designs for var dentify key terms. You hypothesize that the use of … Read more

Emirates Aviation University School of Engineering BEng Aircraft Maintenance EA205EKM Aircraft Maintenance Management Assignment Airline Engineering and Maintenance Dept. organisation Assignment Individual Report Select an Airline/MRO (Maintenance & Repair Organisation) either from the list appended below (legacy or new start-up) or an Airline/MRO of your choice. You need to review the Airline/MRO fleet of aircraft and the required maintenance activities in order to manage such requirements with most optimized manner (i.e. Cost effective). The following deliverables must be achieved as a r

Emirates Aviation University School of Engineering BEng Aircraft Maintenance   EA205EKM Aircraft Maintenance Management Assignment Airline Engineering and Maintenance Dept. organisation Assignment Individual Report   Select an Airline/MRO (Maintenance & Repair Organisation) either from the list appended below (legacy or new start-up) or an Airline/MRO of your choice. You need to review the Airline/MRO fleet of aircraft … Read more

Modules 2 and 3 explore critical ways of thinking about how formal education and therefore the experiences of learners are shaped by forces within and beyond formal education (e.g. culture, politics). This task aims for you to demonstrate your understanding of some of the ideas explored in these topics. To complete this task successfully, read the required readings (listed in the Program Calendar at the back of the Unit Outline) with this task in mind. Task description • Word count: 2500-2800 words. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List. No 10% +/-. • Reference using APA 7th edition. You must include page numbers in all of your in-text references. • Not using 8 unit readings (from Modules 2 & 3) in this assessment may result in a fail for the assessment. This task has TWO options. Choose ONE option only:

Modules 2 and 3 explore critical ways of thinking about how formal education and therefore the experiences of learners are shaped by forces within and beyond formal education (e.g. culture, politics). This task aims for you to demonstrate your understanding of some of the ideas explored in these topics. To complete this task successfully, read … Read more

Building off the site-specific safety program (SSSP) in Unit VII, you will develop a site-specific orientation program that you could use for new hires to the project outlined in Unit VII. Remember to include the specific details of the project and not just a general Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliant orientation. Be specific, and include any details that might be relevant to the specific project that workers coming onsite might need to know. Include any specific site hazards that may be encountered, the solutions to those hazards, and any additional details you may wish to include. Your presentation must be at least 15 slides. It must be specific to the project outlined in Unit VII and must be original. Please be sure to include your training notes in the speaker notes section of each slide. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Building off the site-specific safety program (SSSP) in Unit VII, you will develop a site-specific orientation program that you could use for new hires to the project outlined in Unit VII. Remember to include the specific details of the project and not just a general Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliant orientation. Be specific, … Read more

B9DA108: The file Fire Brigade And Ambulance Call Outs csv is an extract generated fro Ireland’s Open Data Portal: Programming for Data Analysis Assignment, DBS, Ireland

Learning Outcomes: Critique data structures used to store and manage large datasets. Write programs to process and manipulate large datasets on diverse platforms. Apply practical skills in functional programming techniques to write code for a given dataset. Appraise the extended ecosystem of tools and techniques related to Big Data. Assessment Overview The assignment focuses on … Read more

LAW41500: Select one case study out of the four we examined in class in Weeks for occupational and avocational crime: White Collar Crime Case Study, UCD, Ireland

Task: Select one case study out of the four we examined in class in Weeks 4, 5, 6, or 7 (i.e., for occupational and avocational crime, corporate crime, state-corporate crime, or state crime) and write a 3,000-word case study. Please note: you cannot select the same case study you selected for Tutorial Paper 2 and … Read more

K490: Which of the European leather brand do you most like and Have you ever purchased leather goods: European Planning Dissertation, QUB, Ireland

Questions Which of the European leather brand do you most like? Have you ever purchased leather goods? When purchasing leather goods, what are the characteristics you value the most? How frequently do you purchase leather goods? DO you prefer any specific brand? Would you be willing to buy from a new leather goods brand? Is … Read more


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