H9RCOMP: As the volume of data is increasing at an exponential rate, it has become of utmost importance to analyze that Bigdata efficiently for the betterment: Research In Computing Thesis, NCI, Ireland

Introduction As the volume of data is increasing at an exponential rate, it has become of utmost importance to analyze that Bigdata efficiently for the betterment of an organization or for research. Query processing is a major aspect to evaluate huge data and obtain meaningful results from it. The major tools used for this query … Read more

K490: Which of the European leather brand do you most like and Have you ever purchased leather goods: European Planning Dissertation, QUB, Ireland

Questions Which of the European leather brand do you most like? Have you ever purchased leather goods? When purchasing leather goods, what are the characteristics you value the most? How frequently do you purchase leather goods? DO you prefer any specific brand? Would you be willing to buy from a new leather goods brand? Is … Read more

Take any classic fairy tale (you may use “Little Red Riding Hood” in “Texts & Contexts,” 338-86), and compare 2 different variations of the same tale. You could include a movie of one of those tales as one variation, but don’t make it another movie review. I want you to compare literary features of the tale; for example, plot, character, and setting. You may want to consider the target audience for that particular presentation. Consider the changing relationships between author, tale, and audience. For example, Tony Ross’s high-modernist text, “Little Red Hood: A Classic Story Bent Out of Shape,” relies on the reader to read elements of the conventional story into the abstract tale he weaves, to construct the story and social context from his parody. Similarly, Tomi Ungerer in “Little Red Riding Hood,” playfully erases and reveals the underlying text. Both artists present the fairy tale as a text constituted from pieces of other texts. If you compare the post 1945 fairy tales with nineteenth and early twentieth century variations, pay particular attention to how feminism, civil rights, and other social movements affected the style and content of the fairy tales. It should be a 2-3 page, double spaced, essay.

Take any classic fairy tale (you may use “Little Red Riding Hood” in “Texts & Contexts,” 338-86), and compare 2 different variations of the same tale. You could include a movie of one of those tales as one variation, but don’t make it another movie review. I want you to compare literary features of the … Read more

Please follow the prompt I will provide you three articles I found that you can use to write this essay Lesson 4 Assignment (25 Points) From the lesson content choose a topic that speaks to you: guiding behaviors; acknowledgment vs. praise; transitions; or group time. If needed, conduct additional research about the topic you chose in order to identify how they influence behaviors. Compose an essay (about 500 words) that discusses the following: • How the topic influences behaviors (include negative behaviors that can be turned positive by implementing the topic) • Examples of specific activities (or phrases) that you can implement to support positive behaviors related to the topic • One new thing you learned about the topic that you may have not considered before and how it changes your perspective on child behavior 1. https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/the-difference-between-praise-and-encouragement 2.https://aussiechildcarenetwork.com.au/articles/childcare-articles/group-time-with-children-in-childcare 3. https://childmind.org/article/why-do-kids-have-trouble-with-transitions/

Please follow the prompt I will provide you three articles I found that you can use to write this essay Lesson 4 Assignment (25 Points) From the lesson content choose a topic that speaks to you: guiding behaviors; acknowledgment vs. praise; transitions; or group time. If needed, conduct additional research about the topic you chose … Read more

Discuss on the Legacy of Racism/ World War II Secret Chemical tests on African Americans, Japanese and Puerto Rican soldiers (1936-1945)Answer the following questions in essay format. 2-3 pages. APA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only. All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion. Outline the basic history of the event(s). You can use a timeline or write it out. What was the concept of race in the period you chose? How were people of different “races” treated in the period chosen? If a conflict occurred, what was the root cause (causes) of the conflict? If no conflict occurred, what is your opinion as to why they coexisted peacefully (you should still use outside resources to back up your point) How did the past you chose attitude influence modern American ideas on race and racism?

Discuss on the Legacy of Racism/ World War II Secret Chemical tests on African Americans, Japanese and Puerto Rican soldiers (1936-1945)Answer the following questions in essay format. 2-3 pages. APA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only. All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion. Outline the basic … Read more

Select one of the following faiths: Hinduism Buddhism Catholicism Orthodox Christianity Protestantism [includes faiths such as Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.] Judaism Islam – the religion of Muslims Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion by responding to the following questions: Describe the following factors associa

Write a research paper on the Spirituality on OrthodoxI choose Orthodox Christianity Respond to the following (250 words minimum): Contrast the meanings of religion vs. spirituality. Do not provide a dictionary definition. Select one of the following faiths: Hinduism Buddhism Catholicism Orthodox Christianity Protestantism [includes faiths such as Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.] Judaism Islam … Read more

Write a 750-1,000-word request for proposal (RFP) that includes the following criteria: Explain why you chose these vendors. Summarize vital criteria you would require in the ensuing RFP and vendor demos (if applicable) to make your final selection recommendation. Describe the selection process requirements: demonstrations, presentations, testing, installation, etc. Evaluate the importance of interprofessional stakeholder feedback from demonstrations, presentations, testing, and installation. Discuss ratings by third-party organizations, such as KLAS Research. Discuss any feedback from site visits or current user interviews. Discuss the details of their pricing models and contracts, including contractual duration, cost of severing the contract early, support fees, upgrade fees, and service-level agreements.

Write a 750-1,000-word request for proposal (RFP) that includes the following criteria: Explain why you chose these vendors. Summarize vital criteria you would require in the ensuing RFP and vendor demos (if applicable) to make your final selection recommendation. Describe the selection process requirements: demonstrations, presentations, testing, installation, etc. Evaluate the importance of interprofessional stakeholder … Read more

Developing Soft Skills Respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In another paragraph, describe a soft skill you need to work on developing. What are some tips you’ve picked up that you plan to put into practice? How will this skill help you in your career? One assumed soft skill is downloading software. This is something you’ll be expected to do regularly in an IT role. What sort of things might you need to know in order to download software on the job?

Developing Soft Skills Respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In another paragraph, describe a soft skill you need to work on developing. What are some tips … Read more

Development across the lifespan – 1350 words Does the development of theory of mind apply across cultures? Try to address the following questions in answering your essay: What is theory of mind? What is the false belief task (FBT)? How does the FBT assess children’s understanding of theory of mind? Do the results of the FBT apply across cultures? Do FBT results apply to non-WEIRD as well as WEIRD countries? What do these cross-cultural results on the FBT tell us about the universality of the development of theory of mind? Are there any criticisms of the false belief task (FBT) as a measure of theory of mind development?

Development across the lifespan – 1350 words Does the development of theory of mind apply across cultures? Try to address the following questions in answering your essay: What is theory of mind? What is the false belief task (FBT)? How does the FBT assess children’s understanding of theory of mind? Do the results of the … Read more

Week 4 Consider this scenario: You are the nurse administrator of a medium sized health system with a multigenerational workforce. Over the past year, there has been a noticeable decrease in employee satisfaction scores, presence of low morale, and attrition has begun. Attrition has not met the critical point and you are taking action to prevent it getting worse. 1. What is your approach to solving this problem? 2. Using a specific motivational theory, describe how you would create a healthful work environment within that organization. 3. Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described.

Week 4 Consider this scenario: You are the nurse administrator of a medium sized health system with a multigenerational workforce. Over the past year, there has been a noticeable decrease in employee satisfaction scores, presence of low morale, and attrition has begun. Attrition has not met the critical point and you are taking action to … Read more


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