Strategy and Leadership in a Digital World: Ping An Case Study How did Ping An use digital technologies to reinvent itself? How did Ping An differentiate itself from its competitors? Would Ping An’s strong technological core prove to be a distinguishing feature and source of sustainable competitive advantage in the future? To what extent should Ping An try to globalize and tap into new markets and opportunities abroad?

Strategy and Leadership in a Digital World: Ping An Case Study How did Ping An use digital technologies to reinvent itself? How did Ping An differentiate itself from its competitors? Would Ping An’s strong technological core prove to be a distinguishing feature and source of sustainable competitive advantage in the future? To what extent should … Read more

Criminology Explanation of the criminological theories Use of academic sources and evidence to explain the criminal behaviour using criminological theory. Demonstrate an understanding of the criminological theories. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of property crime. Demonstrate an ability to research and make use of academic evidence. Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and evaluate the strengths and limitations of the criminological theory/ies in explaining property crime.

Criminology Explanation of the criminological theories Use of academic sources and evidence to explain the criminal behaviour using criminological theory. Demonstrate an understanding of the criminological theories. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of property crime. Demonstrate an ability to research and make use of academic evidence. Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and evaluate … Read more

Critical analysis and evaluation of flexible working You have been employed as the New Human Resource Manager for your firm, using appropriate theories and frameworks write a report providing critical analysis and evaluation of the following: Describe what the firm should consider in implementing flexible working to the employee workforce. Evaluates strategies to promote employee engagement whiles implementing flexible working. Describe how the firm can evaluate employee value proposition in order to implement a pay structure.

Critical analysis and evaluation of flexible working You have been employed as the New Human Resource Manager for your firm, using appropriate theories and frameworks write a report providing critical analysis and evaluation of the following: Describe what the firm should consider in implementing flexible working to the employee workforce. Evaluates strategies to promote employee … Read more

Around the Web Paper Briefly describe the article/media source you selected (e.g., its plot, characters, themes, etc.). Describe the cognitive psychology concept. What does it mean in relation to your article/media source? How do you see it displayed in the article/media source you chose? What new information have you learned about cognitive psychology and its portrayal in the public eye? Does the information portrayed in the article have broader implications for the field of cognitive psychology as it is presented? Why or why not, and what might the effects be with changes or remaining the same? Close your work with a brief but concise summary of the major takeaway points from your exploration of the web with cognitive psychology.

Around the Web Paper Briefly describe the article/media source you selected (e.g., its plot, characters, themes, etc.). Describe the cognitive psychology concept. What does it mean in relation to your article/media source? How do you see it displayed in the article/media source you chose? What new information have you learned about cognitive psychology and its … Read more

Week 5 Post Annotate/bold each topic addressed in response: 1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one? 2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location? 3. What was that experience like? 4. Empowering others is reciprocal in nature. What does this mean? 5. What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others? References must be within the past 5 years

Week 5 Post  Annotate/bold each topic addressed in response: 1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one? 2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location? 3. What was that experience like? 4. … Read more

Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us insight into an entrepreneurial endeavor you spearheaded or were a key contributor to.

Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us insight into an … Read more

Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989) Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989). How do these cases regulate the use of force by police? What is the three-prong test? How did the two cases above influence policy agencies? Now, choose a police agen

Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989) Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989). How do these cases regulate the use of force by police? What is the three-prong test? How did the two cases above influence … Read more

Cyber Attack Mem In the memorandum you have been asked to address the following issues: 1. Based off of the facts we know, should the attack be considered a crime, espionage or act of war? What should the US response be? How can the US best defend itself from future attacks such as the one that just occurred? 2. Should the United States assign US Cyber Command with the responsibility of protecting certain private companies and if so, what should the general standard be for determining what companies the government should be responsible for defending? 3. Should the United States lead the effort at an international cyber agreement? Why or why not? What challenges would the President face in trying to get an agreement? Are there any alternatives? 4. Are there any substantive changes that should be made to the current US cyber policy?

Cyber Attack Mem In the memorandum you have been asked to address the following issues: 1. Based off of the facts we know, should the attack be considered a crime, espionage or act of war? What should the US response be? How can the US best defend itself from future attacks such as the one … Read more

The potential success of the proposed project from a financial and macroeconomic point of view, and to evaluate its impact on the economy, society and the environment. Explain the meaning of the time value of money. Explain and compare two time-based and two non-time-based investment appraisal techniques which may be used when assessing the financial viability of the conversion project. Draw up and present a table of the results of your calculations; Explain your results an

The potential success of the proposed project from a financial and macroeconomic point of view, and to evaluate its impact on the economy, society and the environment. Explain the meaning of the time value of money. Explain and compare two time-based and two non-time-based investment appraisal techniques which may be used when assessing the financial … Read more

Research Questions The research questions to be addressed in this study are: What is green engineering? What are the obstacles to contractors adopting the green engineering concept? What are some more ways to enhance the implementation of the green engineering concept? Define the concept of green engineering as used in the context of the UK Engineering sector Identify the current applications of green engineering in the UK. Subject To be discussed

Research Questions The research questions to be addressed in this study are: What is green engineering? What are the obstacles to contractors adopting the green engineering concept? What are some more ways to enhance the implementation of the green engineering concept? Define the concept of green engineering as used in the context of the UK … Read more


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