Frequency Distribution and Histogram Review a classmate’s thread and their chosen quantitative variable. Using the classmate’s frequency distribution, construct a histogram (for continuous variables) or bar chart (for discrete variables). Copy and paste the histogram/bar chart into your reply or attach it as a separate file. State two unique observations that can be made based on the histogram/bar chart.

Frequency Distribution and Histogram Review a classmate’s thread and their chosen quantitative variable. Using the classmate’s frequency distribution, construct a histogram (for continuous variables) or bar chart (for discrete variables). Copy and paste the histogram/bar chart into your reply or attach it as a separate file. State two unique observations that can be made based … Read more

Challenges facing the aviation industry For this assignment, conduct research and consider airspace capacity challenges currently facing the aviation industry. You will select one specific topic that is leading to an airspace capacity challenge to address in your paper (e.g. unmanned systems operations, an increase in commercial air traffic, etc.). Your paper must include: The impact of capacity on the current structure of the national airspace An evaluation of the FAA’s Nati

Challenges facing the aviation industry For this assignment, conduct research and consider airspace capacity challenges currently facing the aviation industry. You will select one specific topic that is leading to an airspace capacity challenge to address in your paper (e.g. unmanned systems operations, an increase in commercial air traffic, etc.). Your paper must include: The … Read more

Instructions : 1 ) Select 3 brands from the following list : apple , Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, doordash, Target, coca-cola,Microsoft ,Tesla,Nike . 2) Create a PowerPoint slide of each of the brands you selected (1slide for each brand ) describing how these external forces can potentially impact the brand . Can any of the forces have a positive impact on each of the brands? (Think of how the pandemic has positively impacted a GrubHub) Key elements of the presentation will include : PowerPoint Deck with three slides one flag for each brand you select from the list above Full screen images each sl

Every company operates in a macro environment for external courses shape the opportunities and threats for the organization. Even dominant organizations are vulnerable to external forces that are out of their control. The macro environmental forces include demographic, economic, natural, technological, political ,cultural . Instructions : 1 ) Select 3 brands from the following list … Read more

Critical Analysis #4 Consider the set of system-based codesign principle (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146). How would your plan propose to recognize and address these principles? Using multiple sources of data collected and analyzed during the co-design process and product, what data sets might you and your collaborators need in addressing a systemic issue to improve student learning/achievement (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146)? Explain. What relationships would you need to foster and/or rebuild? How would you neutralize your positionality if you found it to impede trust in your co-design process (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146-153)? Discuss the “messiness of codesign” and how it shows up for you in a collaborative community partnership? How does “leaning into tension”look and sound to you (Ishimaru, 2020, p.152-155)? Who is making the important decisions impacting the school community you are working in? How can you, as a school/district leader, begin fostering solidarities (Ishimaru, 2020, p.158-164)?

Critical Analysis #4 Consider the set of system-based codesign principle (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146). How would your plan propose to recognize and address these principles?   Using multiple sources of data collected and analyzed during the co-design process and product, what data sets might you and your collaborators need in addressing a systemic issue to improve … Read more

Find a video on YouTube or another platform that allows you to observe a child. Next, use any observation technique that you choose to collect data on the child. Write a synopsis with information from your observation. Finally, create a classroom-type of activity that addresses the unique needs of the student you observed. Think about an introduction activity, an individual and/or small group experience, and a closing wrap up. Use research to back up your ideas. Cover Page-Incl

Child observation Find a video on YouTube or another platform that allows you to observe a child. Next, use any observation technique that you choose to collect data on the child. Write a synopsis with information from your observation. Finally, create a classroom-type of activity that addresses the unique needs of the student you observed. … Read more

HCAD 640 Assignment 5 “Revenue Cycle” INSTRUCTIONS Note: Support your research with at least five peer-reviewed sources. The use of professional charts / graphs to reinforce written content is expected. For this assignment, you will prepare a 3-5 page white paper outlining the basic steps of the revenue cycle. Scenario: You have been recently hired at UMGC Health as a financial consultant. One of your job duties entails educating new hires on the revenue cycle process.  Identify

HCAD 640 Assignment 5 “Revenue Cycle” INSTRUCTIONS Note: Support your research with at least five peer-reviewed sources. The use of professional charts / graphs to reinforce written content is expected. For this assignment, you will prepare a 3-5 page white paper outlining the basic steps of the revenue cycle. Scenario: You have been recently hired at … Read more

Business Strategy Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies. Introduction AFI, VRIO, and value chain are just three concepts you need to understand as a business strategist. This assessment focuses on these important facets of business analysis. Introduction

Business Strategy Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies. Introduction AFI, VRIO, … Read more

What are the organization’s sources of competitive advantage? Has the organization approached strategic management (i.e., market participation, market entry modes, location and configuration of specific functional/value chain activities, etc.) in a way that leverages its competitive advantage and/or potential for success? Does the organization follow a strategy appropriate for the matrix of environmental forces? Is the organization structured appropriately? Is the organization’s leadership effective? Use these questions to develop a rich picture and discuss why each item is important. Value Chain Analysis Resource and Core Competency Evaluation This rich picture and analysis should be at least three to four (3-4) pages long and should use at least four (4) references. You will need to upload the illustration that you drew or created as well.

What are the organization’s sources of competitive advantage? Has the organization approached strategic management (i.e., market participation, market entry modes, location and configuration of specific functional/value chain activities, etc.) in a way that leverages its competitive advantage and/or potential for success? Does the organization follow a strategy appropriate for the matrix of environmental forces? Is … Read more

Television studies Write 800 words answering the following question. Discuss how reality TV might be considered harmful, referring to the reading from week 5 (attached) and also drawing on your broader understanding of issues and readings within the topic. No independent research is required, however additional readings from the topic may be referenced.

Television studies Write 800 words answering the following question. Discuss how reality TV might be considered harmful, referring to the reading from week 5 (attached) and also drawing on your broader understanding of issues and readings within the topic. No independent research is required, however additional readings from the topic may be referenced.


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