Financial Solutions for Business Bloomberg Based on stock price data from FTSE index, construct a zero-beta portfolio consisting of high and low beta stocks. You are required to: Demonstrate implementation of the model in R. This includes showing high beta as well as low beta stocks in the portfolio; explaining rules used for stock selection; building accounting functions that can automatically report daily VaR and various balance sheet items relate to financial reporting. Evaluate performance of the portfolio between 1st January 2021 and 30th June 2021. Performance should be evaluated on a monetary basis as well as on a return basis, assuming the initial portfolio value is £1,000,000. Performance measures like Sharpe ratios, VaR should also be discussed. Performance of the portfolio should also be compared against FTSE100 during the same period.

Financial Solutions for Business Bloomberg Based on stock price data from FTSE index, construct a zero-beta portfolio consisting of high and low beta stocks. You are required to: Demonstrate implementation of the model in R. This includes showing high beta as well as low beta stocks in the portfolio; explaining rules used for stock selection; … Read more

Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions Using your topic for the final paper, describe the dependent and independent variables of your proposed study, define their levels of measurement (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and provide operational definitions of each. Describe the rationale behind the definitions created, and how the adequacy of operational definitions can affect validity and reliability. Post should be at least 300 words.

Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions Using your topic for the final paper, describe the dependent and independent variables of your proposed study, define their levels of measurement (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and provide operational definitions of each. Describe the rationale behind the definitions created, and how the adequacy of operational … Read more

Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatment you have covered up to this point that may be available to treat patients with mental health disorders. (2) Consider the potential effects these psychopharmacology treatments may have on co-existing mental health conditions and /or their potential effects on the patient overall health. (a) In 3 or 4 sentences, explain the appropriate drug therapy for a patient who presents with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and history of alcohol abuse. Which drugs are contraindicated? if any, and why? Be specific. What is the timeframe that the patient should see resolution of symptoms.? (b) list 4 predictors of late-onset generalized anxiety disorder. (c) List 4 potential neurobiology causes of psychotic major depression. (d) An episode of major depression is defined as a period of time lasting at least 2 weeks. List at least 5 symptoms required for the episodes to occur. Be specific.

Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatment you have covered up to this point that may be available to treat patients with mental health disorders. (2) Consider the potential effects these psychopharmacology treatments may have on co-existing mental health conditions and /or their potential effects on the patient overall health. (a) In 3 or 4 sentences, explain … Read more

Explain: “Ethical failure in leaders is a product of success, not pressure to perform.” How would you build an ethical team of leaders who will inspire you to lead by example and who will challenge or confront you when you need either? Video links provided pertaining to the evaluation

Explain: “Ethical failure in leaders is a product of success, not pressure to perform.” How would you build an ethical team of leaders who will inspire you to lead by example and who will challenge or confront you when you need either? Video links provided pertaining to the evaluation

Health and Nutrition website (1) Go through the NLM’s MedlinePlus “Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial” a 16-minute presentation on how to evaluate health information on the internet. (2) Select a COMMERCIAL health and/or nutrition website. The website you select should have “.com” in the URL. DO NOT choose a government agency (.gov) or a non-profit organization (.org) or (.edu) Be adventurous –select a website whose information may be questionable. You are to test how well the Medline Checklist works as a tool to evaluate nutrition/wellne

Health and Nutrition website (1) Go through the NLM’s MedlinePlus “Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial” a 16-minute presentation on how to evaluate health information on the internet. (2) Select a COMMERCIAL health and/or nutrition website. The website you select should have “.com” in the URL. DO NOT choose a government agency (.gov) or a … Read more

Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses. Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. Characterize the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security. Discuss how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect networks, servers, and clients Describe the features and functionality of electronic billing presentment and payment systems.

Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses. Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. Characterize the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security. Discuss how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect networks, servers, and clients Describe the features and functionality of electronic … Read more

EATING DISORDERS Write a post discussing your thoughts about the stigma surrounding eating disorders. Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders. Find a video that discusses diet culture, eating disorders and ethnic minorities, or that speaks on an aspect of eating disorders that you found informational and interesting and share it here.

EATING DISORDERS Write a post discussing your thoughts about the stigma surrounding eating disorders. Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders. Find a video that discusses diet culture, eating disorders and ethnic minorities, or that speaks on an aspect of eating disorders that … Read more

Application of Concepts from Caring Science Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved. For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall-risk patients is too prevalent. You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts that you developed in week two. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that could represent or include the outcome. In our example, the outcome would be the changes in self through the change in the patient’s floor covering practice. Identify a practice that can be changed or implemented that may influence the outcome. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that includes the practice. In our example, the practice could be to improve the understanding of fall hazards through engagement in a teaching-learning experience, one of Watson’s Caritas Processes. Identify exactly how these two concepts will be measured with their operational definitions. Develop a proposition between the two. Present your outcome in an APA formatted paper meeting the University’s standards for a written assignment. References: 3 to 10. There should be enough to support the links between the concepts of the problem and the concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring

Application of Concepts from Caring Science Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved. For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall-risk patients is too prevalent. You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts … Read more

Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions In order to carry out research, researchers must define variables in terms of the actual procedures that will be used to measure or manipulate them. Operational definitions provide details regarding the procedures needed to measure a variable and if written precisely, can increase the measurement’s reliability and validity. Using your topic for the final paper, describe the dependent and independent variables of your proposed study, define their levels of measurement (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and provide operational definitions of each. Describe the rationale behind the definitions created, and how the adequacy of operational definitions can affect validity and reliability. Post should be at least 300 words.

Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions In order to carry out research, researchers must define variables in terms of the actual procedures that will be used to measure or manipulate them. Operational definitions provide details regarding the procedures needed to measure a variable and if written precisely, can increase the measurement’s reliability and … Read more

WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool. Word Limit: 3,000 words Summative assessment (100% of the final mark) Project Report Word Length: 3,000 words, excluding references. Description: Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, students will design, conduct, and provide a report about a small-scale research project undertaken using digital methods. Projects must meet the following requirements: They must be based on the collection and analysis of an archive of at least 1000 tweets. Tweets must be collected using ONE of the techniques (and related tools)presented in the module (students cannot use alternative techniques or tools);

WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool. Word Limit: 3,000 words Summative assessment (100% of the final mark) Project Report Word Length: 3,000 words, excluding references. Description: Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, students will design, conduct, and provide a report about … Read more


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