Assignment 3 – Knowledge Mobilization: Exploring and Supporting Children’s Health and Well-Being See last page for article link and also attached Overview There are two components for this assignment. For the first piece you have the option of creating a one-page infographic or a 3 minute video. In addition to this knowledge mobilization tool, you will also submit a 4–6 page written reflection. What is Knowledge Mobilization? In simple terms, knowledge mobilization is about taking knowledge and research that has been generated in the academy or classroom and sharing it in an accessible way with the public or other institutions in society. For example, knowledge mobilization could include using research to develop government

Assignment 3 – Knowledge Mobilization: Exploring and Supporting Children’s Health and Well-Being

See last page for article link and also attached


There are two components for this assignment. For the first piece you have the option of creating a one-page infographic or a 3 minute video. In addition to this knowledge mobilization tool, you will also submit a 4–6 page written reflection.


What is Knowledge Mobilization?

In simple terms, knowledge mobilization is about taking knowledge and research that has been generated in the academy or classroom and sharing it in an accessible way with the public or other institutions in society. For example, knowledge mobilization could include using research to develop government policy, publishing in a newspaper or website for wider readership, or doing a presentation at a parent-teacher meeting.

In early childhood settings, effective knowledge mobilization can help to bridge the gap between research/theory and practice. Knowledge mobilization can also help to communicate what is happening within early childhood settings to parents, other educators, and members of the community. Furthermore, knowledge mobilization can help to communicate complex ideas to children using accessible language and tools.

In this self-driven assignment, you are asked to create either an infographic or short video to mobilize knowledge on a topic related to supporting children’s health and well-being in early childhood settings to a chosen target audience (e.g., parents, other educators, children, etc.).


Requirements and Steps

Step 1: Identify a Topic, Target Audience, and Scholarly Articles

Choose a topic related to supporting young children’s health and well-being that you want to learn more about. Identify a question that you would like to answer or a specific aim to guide your scholarship search. Identify a target audience who you think would benefit from knowledge on your topic of choice. For example, your target audience could be early childhood educators, teachers, parents, or even the children with whom you work.

What Topic Should I Choose?

The topic you choose to focus on is completely up to you. Just make sure that it is connected to children’s health and well-being in some way. You may wish to dive deeper into a topic addressed in this course or one that we did not have the opportunity to explore in-depth.

Once you have a broad area of interest, try to narrow your exploration down to answering a single question or addressing a single aim. For example, perhaps you are interested in learning more social-emotional learning in relation to children’s health and well-being. A specific question you might want to answer could be: What are some teaching strategies for bringing mindfulness into the Kindergarten classroom? Or perhaps you might aim to explore how toxic stress can impact young children’s development and strategies to help children address stress in the early childhood setting.

Choose a topic that is meaningful and interesting to you. This assignment is an opportunity to follow an inquiry of your choice.


Access and read a minimum of five scholarly articles (journal articles). Journal articles can be accessed via the UBC libraryLinks to an external site.. 


The [Optional] Peer Feedback 1 – Infographic/Video Idea Discussion has been created for you to share your ideas with your classmates, pose questions, and seek/provide peer feedback. Please feel free to share your ideas to this discussion board and provide constructive (helpful, positive, growth-oriented) feedback to your peers. Please note, the instructor will not be providing feedback within this Discussion but will have access to it.


Step 2: Create an Infographic or a Short Video

Keeping your target audience in mind, design and create a one-page infographic or three-minute video to mobilize the key messages and knowledge you have gained from your five scholarly articles.

The information presented should be grounded in scholarship, easy to understand, and in alignment with the needs of your target audience (e.g., how you communicate with young children will be different than educators). Whether you choose to create an infographic or video, you must provide evidence of and reference to scholarly work.


If you choose to create an infographic it should:

· be easy to read and “digest,” and should contain a balance of text and meaningful images

· be no larger than standard paper size: 8.5 inches x 11 inches

· To enable the mobilization process, you should be able to share your infographic easily using a virtual platform, such as social media, email, or website, or printing it for a bulletin board, classroom, or take-home information flyer

· saved and submitted in a .pdf file format

· your references should align with APA 7 guidelinesLinks to an external site.. However, you might want to consider using numbered footnotes instead of in-text citations for your infographic to save on space. Here is an example of an infographic (Links to an external site.) that utilizes numbered footnotes.


If you choose to create a video it should:

· present information in a clear and logical order, and should be no longer than three minutes in length

· take on any form that helps you to communicate your ideas effectively (e.g., recorded presentation, vlog, animation)

· contain visuals and audio elements of reasonable quality.

· saved and submitted in a .mp4 file format

· your references should align with APA 7 guidelinesLinks to an external site.. If you are creating a video, you will need to think about how you will communicate your references to your audience. For example, if you create a video that includes a recorded presentation, you could include references in the presentation. If you create a vlog-type video, you may want to mention specific references in your script. Something to consider is having a slide at the end of your presentation with a reference list. Whatever approach you choose, be sure that you are giving credit to the work of others.

Can I Reference Additional Sources in My Infographic or Video?

Yes, you are welcome to incorporate additional sources (e.g., information from websites, magazine articles, etc.) into your infographic or video, but please make sure that you include a minimum of five scholarly journal articles as well.


Any desktop publishing tool might be used to create an infographic or you might even create an ‘analogue’ version by drawing freehand or making a collage (just take a good quality photo and upload to share). You might also try one of the online tools linked below as they provide templates and graphics you can use and adapt. They will allow you to share as a PNG, PDF or other format file. Pick a tool you are comfortable with. You may consider using a tool from the following tool options list, or one that is not listed:

Video Tools
Sample | Resources
Media Types

MS Word

text, images, links

MS PowerPoint

text, images, links, audio narration may be possible

Canva Presentations (Links to an external site.)
sample (Links to an external site.)
 text, image, audio, video and other embeds

Visme (Links to an external site.)
sample (Links to an external site.) | resource (Links to an external site.)
text, images, audio, video and other embeds

Infographic Tools
Sample | Resources
Media Types

Canva (Links to an external site.)
 sample    Download sample  |  resourceLinks to an external site.
text, upload images, links, YouTube, Instagram, Google Maps, other embeds, such as podcasts, can upload video, and more…

Piktochart (Links to an external site.)
sample | resource (Links to an external site.)
text, images, video

Infogram (Links to an external site.)
sample | resource (Links to an external site.)
text, images, audio, video and other embeds

Visme (Links to an external site.)
sample (Links to an external site.) | resource (Links to an external site.)
text, images, video, interactivity, audio

Vennage (Links to an external site.)
sample (Links to an external site.) | resources (Links to an external site.)
text, photos, charts, maps, interactivity


Your Privacy

Many of the online tool options listed above may require you to log-in using an email account. Remember, you are NOT required to create an account to complete this assignment and you are encouraged to exercise caution whenever providing personal information. For more information on how to protect your privacy (or that of your students), please visit this blog postLinks to an external site. on the Scarfe Digital Sandbox.



The [Optional] Peer Feedback 2 – Infographic/Video Draft Discussion has been created for you to share your draft infographic/video with your classmates and seek/provide feedback prior to submitting it to the instructor. Please feel free to share you draft to this discussion board and provide constructive (helpful, positive, growth-oriented) feedback to your peers. Please note, the instructor will not be providing feedback within this Discussion but will have access to it.



Step 3: Write a Reflection

Along with your infographic/video, please share a 4–6 page written reflection (+ references)  addressing the following questions:

· What topic did you choose to focus on and why?

· Who was your target audience, why did you choose this audience, and how might this information benefit them?

· Having explored your chosen topic, what are three ways that your knowledge and understanding of children’s health and well-being has shifted or expanded?

· Having explored this topic, what are three suggestions you can offer to early childhood educators hoping to support children’s health and well-being in practice?

Please be sure to ground your reflection in scholarship (minimum of 5 journal articles) and draw on the course material where appropriate. Your written reflection should include in-text citations and a reference list in alignment with APA 7 guidelines.

Your reflection should be 4–6 pages (12-point font, Times New Roman font, double-spaced). References and in-text citations should align with APA 7 guidelines.


Step 4: Submit Your Assignment

After you’ve completed your assignment, use the blue Submit Assignment button on the top right to submit your Infographic PDF file or video file and Word document or PDF.  When you submit, please be sure to submit both parts of your assignment: (a) infographic or video; and (b) reflection.


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