COU104: Describe these THREE (3) social emotional competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management and Social Awareness: Social Emotional Learning Assignment, SUSS

Objective of TMA

The purpose of this assignment is to help you read through and learn the contents in the main text, “Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life” by Joseph Ciarrochi (2013) and the study guide. It is also meant to enhance your reading of the research literature as you are expected to perform some search for relevant journals to work on this assignment. 10 marks awarded for language and referencing in this assignment.

Question 1

Describe these THREE (3) social emotional competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management and Social Awareness. For each of the competencies, give a personal example that illustrates your understanding of the concept (marks will be deducted if definitions are not cited properly).

Question 2

The following questions are based on the story about Robert, Marsha and Matthew in Chapter 9 of “Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace” (pages 187-192).

a. Summarise the four-step emotional blueprint used by Marsha in her interaction with Robert.

b. The authors suggested that “it is difficult, but entirely possible, to intentionally manage our emotions as well as those of others” (page 191). Research on the neurobiology of emotions and cognitions, and explain in not more than 800 words on how emotions are regulated (no marks will be given if answer is not supported by research work).

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