Project Specification
COMP7025 Social Media Intelligence
Due Date: Friday of Week 10
The Project requires us to analyse social media data using the knowledge obtained from this unit with assistance from a computer based statistical package. For this project, we will focus on Twitter.
To complete this project:
Read through this specification
Complete the data analysis required by the specification
Write up your analysis using your favourite word processing/typesetting program, making sure that all of the working is shown and that is it presented well.
Include the student declaration text on the front page of your report. Please make sure that your name and student number are clearly displayed on the front page.
Submit the report as a PDF by the due date.
Due date and Submission
The project report is due in by 11:59 p.m. on the Friday of week 10. The report must be submitted as a PDF file using the assignment submission facilities in the Project section of COMP7025 in vUWS.
Report Format
Once the required analysis is performed, write up the analysis as a report. Remember that the assessor will only see the report and will be marking the analysis based on your report. Therefore the report should contain a clear and concise description of the procedures carried out, the analysis of results, and any conclusions reached from the analysis.
The required analysis in this specification covers material presented in lectures and labs. Students should use the computer software R to carry out the required analysis and then present the results from the analysis in the report.
© Copyright: Western Sydney University, 2022. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from the Dean, School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences. Copyright for acknowledged materials reproduced herein is retained by the copyright holder. All readings in this publication are copied under licence in accordance with Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968. Marks
This project is worth 30% of your final grade, and so the project will be marked out of 30. The project consists of six parts where each part contributes equally to your final mark.
There are five parts to the project, each will be marked using the following criteria: Marks Criteria Satisfied 0 The method does not lead to insightful analysis. 1 The method is flawed, but the analysis would have provided insight had the method been correct.
2 The correct method leads to partially correct results and analysis.
3 The correct method leads to correct results and analysis.
4 The correct method leads to correct results and analysis, with an insightful aim and conclusion.
5 The correct method leads to correct results and analysis, with an insightful aim and conclusion.
Limitations of the analysis are identified and suggestions for further analysis are provided. If a report is submitted late, the maximum mark it can achieve will be reduced by 10% (3 marks) per day. E.g., if a report is submitted five days late, it can receive at most 15 marks. Declaration
The following declaration must be included in a clearly visible and readable place on the first page of the report.
By including this statement, we the authors of this work, verify that:
I hold a copy of this assignment that we can produce if the original is lost or damaged.
I hereby certify that no part of this assignment/product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment.
No part of this assignment/product has been written/produced for us by another person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the subject lecturer/tutor concerned.
I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking).
I hereby certify that we have read and understand what the School of Computing and Mathematics defines as minor and substantial breaches of misconduct as outlined in the learning guide for this unit.
Note: An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right not to mark this project report if the above declaration has not been added to the cover of the report. Project Description
Elon Musk has agreed to buy Twitter, and so has hired your consulting team to investigate the flow of information in Twitter about this purchase. Elon Musk has provided a set of tasks below that need completion. The results are to be presented to the Twitter board of directors.
Perform this analysis using R with the rtweet and igraphlibraries. Use the rtweet documentation to find functions that will assist your analysis:
Gathering the Network
Determine appropriate search terms and use them to download a large sample of tweets related to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. Examine the contents of some of the tweets and show that they are on topic.
Mention Graph
Create a graph based on the mentions in each tweet (using the function network_graph) and convert the resulting directed graph to an undirected graph. Compute the number of components in the graph and the size of each component. Plot the largest component of the graph (do your best to make it visually appealing). Comment on the structure of the graph.
For the remainder of the project, we will only use the largest component of the graph.
Graph Statistics
Compute and report the diameter and density of the graph. Plot the degree distribution of the graph and estimate the Power Law coefficient (c) from the degree distribution. Briefly explain what this coefficient reveals about the graph.
Information Flow
Compute the Neighbourhood overlap between each pair of connected nodes in the twitter graph and identify the pair with the greatest and least neighbourhood overlap. Comment on your findings.
Account Popularity
The popularity of each twitter account can be measured using PageRank. Measure the popularity of each twitter account using the Scaled PageRank algorithm. Report the ten most popular accounts and their PageRank score, and compare the results to the degree of each vertex.
6. Account Selection
A group of competitors to Elon Musk seem to have been placing fake complaints about his companies “SpaceX”, “Tesla” and “The Boring Company”. They seem to be targeting a different company each day. To show his commitment, Elon wants to respond to these tweets as soon as possible, but only has time to monitor one of the twitter accounts each day.
The following table shows the payoff to Elon and his competitors when choosing an account to tweet to or monitor.
SpaceX Tesla Boring
SpaceX 1, 0.3 0.1, 3 0.3, 2
Monitor Tesla 0.2, 1 1, 0.2 0.3, 3
Boring 0.1, 3 0.1, 2 1, 0.1
Elon needs to randomly choose which account to monitor each day. Compute the distribution that Elon should use to choose which account to monitor.
Write up a report containing your code and analysis of the data with each section clearly labelled. Clearly annotate your code and make sure to state any conclusions you make from each piece of analysis. The report is being marked using the marking criteria, so make sure that each piece of analysis covers all of the criteria.
Remember that you are examining the relationship of twitter users to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, so make sure that the conclusion of each section refers back to this.