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To study the network before the actual deployment, you will use Cisco Packet Tracer – the Cisco network simulator to complete the following tasks: • Task 1: Network management. In this task, you will create and simulate the network on Cisco Packet Tracer. Perform all necessary configurations for the network devices to make the network operational. In particular, you will o Create an efficient IP addressing plan for the whole network using the following IP addressing space 10.10.XY.0/24 where XY is the last two digit of your student number. The addressing plan should show how IP addresses are assigned to each device (and device interface) in the network and the method of the address assignment i.e. static or dynamic (DHCP). o Perform administrative configuration on each network device so that each device will have a unique name. A switch device will have the name starting with S and a router devic

To study the network before the actual deployment,
you will use Cisco Packet Tracer – the Cisco network simulator to complete the following tasks:
• Task 1: Network management. In this task, you will create and simulate the network on Cisco Packet Tracer.
Perform all necessary configurations for the network devices to make the network operational.
In particular, you will
o Create an efficient IP addressing plan for the whole network using the following IP addressing space 10.10.XY.0/24 where XY is the last two digit of your student number.
The addressing plan should show how IP addresses are assigned to each device (and device interface) in the network and the method of the address assignment i.e. static or dynamic (DHCP).
o Perform administrative configuration on each network device so that each device will have a unique name. A switch device will have the name starting with S and a router device will have the name starting with R.
o Secure device access by setting up the login banner, the login and privilege mode access passwords for each network device.
Encrypt all passwords. Use Comp2001 for the passwords.
o Configure all required device interfaces with appropriate IP addresses and meaningful descriptions.
o Assign IP addresses to all PCs in the network. Note that in the simulation, you only need to use 2 PCs to represent all PCs in each subnet. o Verify the network connectivity and fix any issues. Take screenshots to show the network is functioning and all devices can be reached.
o Backup all device configuration to a TFTP server in the head quarter.
o Configure SNMPv2 on each network devices. Use your student-id for the access string, both read-only and read-write.
o Deploy a network management station at the head quarter to manage the whole network. Configure a MIB browser on the management station to access the device management information.
o Configure AAA framework (accounting and authentication) for the network. Only users with the following credentials (username / password) are allowed to access the network devices: ? s+your_student_id (e.g. s234567) / Comp2001 ? admin / cisco ? Use CISCO12345 for the server key
o Configure a separate management VLAN for each branch. Subnet the address space to use for the management VLANs.
o Reconfigure routing to allow communications between the management VLAN in each branch. o Create management interfaces for the routers and switches and assign them to the appropriate management VLANs. o Reconfigure the management station to put them under the management VLAN. o Configure ACLs to allow only the management station to access the network devices. o Save all configuration commands you have used to configure the network to a text file for submission.
o Document the network according to the acceptable best practices as discussed in Module 2.
o Record 5-min video and upload to YouTube to demonstrate that you can access and update each device configuration from the management station. In the video, you should show up and clearly say your name and the student ID. Use the unlisted option if you do not want the video to be viewed in public
• Task 2: Network management team forming: now is the time to form a team formanaging the network. You will have to find a team mate in this class. You will email at least two of your classmates to invite them to your team. In the email, provide reasons why someone should team with you on this task. You will need to provide the email communication between you and your teammate for marking as well as the member details (name, student-id) of your team.


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