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Professional Organization Assignment: State Nursing Association and Specialty Organizations Submit by 11:59pm Saturday of Week 1. Complete the template comparing the Your State Nurses Association (example;Texas Nurses Association) with a specialty organization of your choice (example; AACN-American Association of Critical Care Nurses). This is not a formal paper and should be completed in the template provided. The purpose is for you to become familiar with the optio

Professional Organization Assignment: State Nursing Association and Specialty Organizations

Submit by 11:59pm Saturday of Week 1.

Complete the template comparing the Your State Nurses Association (example;Texas Nurses Association) with a specialty organization of your choice (example; AACN-American Association of Critical Care Nurses).

This is not a formal paper and should be completed in the template provided. The purpose is for you to become familiar with the options that you have to join a professional organization and understand all that the professional organization does for you and the profession of nursing.

Use the template below for your assignment and submit by the due date. Your references must be in APA format but the paper does not need to be APA.

1. For your State Nursing Association go to the website. For example for Texas you would go to www.texasnurses.org for Texas Nurses Organization.

2. For information about a specialty organization, search a specific specialty clinical organization; Examples include; Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN), or American Association of Critical Care Nurses(AACN) or Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses (AMSN), etc..

Professional Organization Assignment

Description Expectation Possible Points
History or background Brief history and purpose of your State Nurses Association.

Purpose and goals of the specialty organization you selected.

Criteria for Membership What are criteria for membership? Who is the target audience? What is the process for joining?

State Association

Specialty Organization
Advantages of an Umbrella vs Specialty organization Discuss the impact professional organizations can have on nursing practice and health care. Also identify some potential barriers for each organization in obtaining and keeping members?
State Association

Specialty Organization
Application to nursing List at least three ways membership in your State Nursing Association could benefit you and three ways membership in a specialty organization could benefit you. Make it personal. Why would you consider becoming a member and why not? Be specific and include your personal perspective and goals. (Note the large number of points for this question- The answers to this question should involve some thought and personal perspective)


Specialty Organization
List your references Include a minimum of 2 references about joining a professional organization. Sources should be appropriate to nursing. Use APA format for references.
Format Uses the template for responses and types answers directly into the template. Easily read and understandable; grammar, syntax, punctuation. 5


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