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Brief information about the interest, abilities, and prior knowledge of the group of children: Reflection Practicum 3 Assignment

Theme / Topic: Ocean Animals (Fish)

Brief information about the interest, abilities, and prior knowledge of the group of children:

The children are effectively growing in terms of cognitive, intellectual, social, and language abilities. When it’s time to play, the children see other children and join them. Children at this age are attempting to read and write. Young children are able to recognize a few letters and match up certain letter sounds. Additionally, children may represent written language using familiar letters (or their best effort to do so), particularly for important words like their names. Children can have at least two back-and-forth exchanges in a conversation (Amanda, 2022). Children are becoming more aware of the world surrounding them. They like to explore their world by using their five senses (Emily, 2018). These children are constantly curious and want to know more about their surroundings. They are capable of independent hands-on tasks, inventions, and other things that require more independence. Children enjoy doing hands-on activities with various materials, such as natural things or materials with varying textures. They are capable of coming up with creative ways to set up games like arts and crafts, music, and painting.

They enjoy asking questions as a result. Children who can use more conjunctions, such as “because”, “and” and “if.” (Raising Children Network, 2021) In addition, children may name groups of objects, such as “fruit” or “animals.” children who can draw a circle when you demonstrate drawing techniques. Children that are three to four years old can count at least four objects. Children can recognize and identify basically all common items and pictures, and they can group them into simple groups. Their gross and fine motor skills are still being developed. They were more aware of their basic emotions, such as happiness, sadness, and anger. They also value social interaction with their friends and understand the value of sharing

Environment Set-up and Materials:

Environment set-up:

Classroom set up: Children will gather in a large circle for a song and dance performance during the introduction session. In order to ensure the safety of the children, the educator will clear a space that is appropriate for children to move around in. The water tub and materials will be placed in the center of the classroom on another table. Children will gather in a circle in front of the table to conduct the learning activity with the educator. There are seats set up in the classroom for the children to sit on, preventing them from moving around while lessons are being taught.

Learning Centre set up:

The classroom’s corner will have two large tables where the materials for the two learning areas’ activities will be placed. Children can participate in the learning area activities while sitting in one of six chairs that will be available. Children are free to choose the activity they want to play and place it on the table. The materials will be put on a shelf for the educator to use. Educators can quickly access the materials on the shelf that is placed close to the learning center, which is the reason for its placing there. The exhibition corner has been set up so that children can display out their creations. Children will be given the opportunity to share their ideas on their creations during a show-and-tell session.


1.    “Goldfish” song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg-wnQKRHTs)

2.    For each child:

·         1 Ziplock bag fill in with hair gel and blue colouring

·         1 fish net

·         1 Mystery box with fish toys and sandpaper with letter “F”

·         1 uppercase letter “F” sample paper

3.    For a group of 6 children:

·         1 tub of water

·         1 pack of water beads

·         Table

·         Chair

·         Blue colouring

·         Fishing net toys

·         Letter of alphabet “F” learning toys

Procedures: (include transitions and suggested questions in each section below)


Educator shows fish puppet to attract the children significantly.
 Educator uses the puppet to help children ideate how the movement of the fish.
Children will be scaffolding the movement of the fish in the song.

Ask the children to stand in a large circle with you. Each child should have some space to move.

·         Play the song “Goldfish ” to the children and demonstrate the actions as they watch educators (The Goldfish (Let’s Go Swimming), 2018). The educator gives the instructions.

·         Children will follow the educator to sing and dance while playing the song.

·         Ask questions like “What animal is this?”, “Where the fish live in?”, “Would you like to swim like a fish?”, “Fish have legs?”


Educator has made a mystery box that will be exhibited to the children and filled with toys fish and the letters “F” with sandpaper.
Each child will have a turn taking toys fish and touch the sandpaper with letters “F” from the mystery box.
 Explore the subject by asking questions, “What are you taking from the mystery box? “, ” What letter starts with fish?”
Each letter sound will be pronounced by the educator in accordance with beginning sound.
The letter “F’s” beginning sound will be pronounced by the children in turn.
·Following beginning sound practice, the educator prepared a water tub and fill it with fish toys, and the letters “F” were then set on the table.
Ask questions like, “What can you see inside the water tub?” “What color are the fish?” “What feels like water or water beads when you touch them?”
Each child will participate in the activity in turn. The letters “F” of the alphabet will be taken by each child from the water tub by using the fishing net.
The educator will put several toys into the water tub, including vegetables and fruits.
From that point on, children will only pick fish toys from the water tub.
Closure and Clean up (10 minutes)
The educator takes the fish puppet and performs it once more for the children.
Asking children open-ended questions like, “What letter starts with fish?”
The educator prepared a sensory bag for children to trace the letter “F” in the alphabet.
Children are asked to trace with their fingertips on the sensory bag.
Ask questions like “As you trace the alphabet on the sensory bag, what letter are you tracing?”, “What words begin with the letter “F” that we learn in today lesson?” and “What letter that you are tracing on the sensory bag?”.
To avoid any accidents, the educator will instruct the children help to wipe the table or the floor.
Children sing and dance as the educator plays the “Goldfish” song once again to scaffold the movement of the fish.
The educator informs the children that two learning centers will display some of their activities.
Before they participate in the learning center’s activities, the educator should go over the rules with the children.
 Children move to the learning center to play with the activities that the educator has prepared.

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