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Evaluate the role of HRIS and the role of metrics in the practice of human resources.

You are an HR professional that is on a team responsible for employee relations in a 30,000-strong organization that has been experiencing a quadrupling of turnover rate in one business unit of 2,025 employees. There are a number of complaints about manager abuse, improper use of overtime, favoritism, and bullying. The leadership turnover in this business unit is almost negligible. Part of this business unit builds a very unique national defense item and is the only maker in the nation. The company is a major contractor with the Department of Defense. The head of HR has asked for your help in figuring out the cause of these issues. She has created a template for demographic information and the actual survey.

Your Challenge
In order to make an informed decision, the head of HR has tasked you with giving her a report addressing the issues. Use the Sample Employee Survey [DOC] document, as well as the Sample Demographic Data [DOC] to complete the report.

Evaluate the role of HRIS and the role of metrics in the practice of human resources.
Analyze how the use of an employee survey supports HR in this organizational scenario.
Evaluate the survey to determine which questions would be the most useful for HR professionals in the given organization scenario.
Evaluate the survey to determine which questions would be the most useful for managers and executives in the given organization scenario.
Explain why the selected questions offer value in the given scenario to each organizational stakeholder.
Provide references to support your assertions as to why they would be valuable to some groups but not to others.
Justify why some survey questions could be removed for the given scenario.
Use your own rationale for this task.
References are not required but may well be useful.

Competency 1: Apply models of decision making to HR issues.
Evaluate the role of HRIS and the role of metrics in the practice of human resources.
Analyze how the use of an employee survey supports HR in this organizational scenario.
Competency 2: Apply the use of data and evidence-based decision making in HR decision making.
Evaluate the survey to determine which questions would be the most useful for HR professionals in the given organization scenario.
Evaluate the survey to determine which questions would be the most useful for managers and executives in the given organization scenario.
Explain why the selected questions offer value in the given scenario to each organizational stakeholder.
Justify why some survey questions could be removed for the given scenario.
Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the HR field.
Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.

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