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Who in Alexi’s house has books, and why does that make him different than the other kids on the reservation?

First story
Read The Joy of Reading and Writing, Superman and Me

The link to the story is here: http://www.teach4real.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/The-Joy-of-Reading-and-Writing.pdf
Answer these questions with a brief response:

1) Who in Alexi’s house has books, and why does that make him different than the other kids on the reservation?

2) Why is it so important to him to go back to his old school and teach writing to the kids there?

3) Why do the ‘Indian’ (this is an old term meaning ‘Native American’) kids refuse to learn?

4) What does he mean when he says ‘A smart Indian is a dangerous person.’.

5) Why does Alexi choose to tell us this story, instead of some other story of his life?

Second story

It is in the files, and there is a link here https://babyadachi.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/grandmothers-victory/

After CRITICALLY READING the story, Please answer these questions:

1) Is this story only a story about racism, or is there a deeper message? What is another theme here?

2) What is the ‘victory’ that the Grandmother has won over the bad mannered girls?

3) does the grandmother call the bad mannered girls , ‘Miz’?

4) Why does the author introduce the story with ‘thou shalt not be dirty, and thou shalt not be impudent’? Why is that important to the rest of the story?

5) Where is a good example of really fantastic descriiption?

Please submit a document with the questions and the answers for each story no essay is needed in this assignment

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