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Choose one case study from the area of Case Studies in Criminal Justice that deals with ethics and corrections. Utilizing a single ethical framework and a single notion of justice, explore the situation. C


Choose one case study from the area of Case Studies in Criminal Justice that deals with ethics and corrections. Utilizing a single ethical framework and a single notion of justice, explore the situation. Consider using a different ethical framework and notion of justice than you have in the past.

and analyze the situation using one ethical framework and one notion of fairness. Choose a new ethical framework and notion of justice than you have in the past. Avoid using utilitarianism as both a moral philosophy and a notion of justice.

Describe the details, taking into account all the participants. Describe each party’s obligations and rights.
Determine any pertinent values, ideas, societal restrictions, and other details required for a complete comprehension of the situation.
List every ethical conundrum that could arise for each side.
Determine what the decision-most maker’s pressing ethical dilemma is.
Indicate one ethical framework and use it in this situation.
In this situation, explain a particular notion of justice.
Use the ethical framework and notion of justice you described to resolve the moral or ethical conundrum.
To back up your arguments, use data from the text, the lecture, or other sources.


We hear the word “ethics” a lot in corrections. We consent to uphold a Code of Ethics, and our organizations publish Rules of Conduct we must comply by. The public’s confidence in correctional personnel to carry out our tasks competently and keep the populace secure is based on ethics.

But what exactly does being ethical mean? Can a deeper comprehension of ethics aid us in thwarting the urge to act unethically? These inquiries are crucial because, in the field of prisons, poor choices can hurt both prisoners and non-inmates as well as our professional careers.

Recognizing Ethics
Ethics is the study of morality, including the good and the terrible as well as what is right and what is wrong, according to Debbie Goodman, who has written extensively on ethics in corrections.
[1] The established guidelines for the correctional professional include abiding by the law, as well as case law, court rulings, and the general directives and agency regulations.




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