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Discuss the nursing care of a person experiencing comorbid physical and mental health problems: Mental Health Nursing Assignment, NUI, Ireland

Assignment Title: Discuss the nursing care of a person experiencing comorbid physical and mental health problems.

Section 1:

Discuss the inter-relationship between mental and physical health and explore the factors contributing to the physical health status of a person who is also experiencing mental health problems.

Section 2: 

Choose ONE case study from the options provided (see ‘case studies’).

Discuss the aetiology, signs, symptoms and medical treatment of the physical health problem. Discuss the mental health nurses’ role in caring for the person experiencing comorbid physical and mental health problems.

Case studies: Assessment Part C

Case 1: Sandra Coffey (age 65yrs) Sandra Coffey is a retired accountant. She lives alone in the suburbs of a small town. Sandra has a history of depression, which she manages with the help of the community mental health nurse and attends regular appointments with her local mental health service. Sandra also attends the local hospital for the treatment and management of hypertension. Recently, Sandra feels like her wellbeing is deteriorating both physically and mentally.

Case 2: Rose Meehan (age 21yrs) Rose Meehan is a first year university student. She lives at home with her parents and two younger sisters. Rose attends the local mental health services with a history of anxiety, which she is managing well. Rose was diagnosed with hypothyroidism five years ago. Lately, with the pressure of university and life in general, she is finding it hard to keep her medical appointments and doesn’t feel as well as usual.

Case 3: Sean Gaffey (age 55yrs) Sean Gaffey has four adult children. He is a divorced person who lives alone on a fifth floor apartment in the city centre; he is not working at present. Sean has a history of schizophrenia and attends the mental health services. Last year Sean was diagnosed with adult onset asthma. Recently, Sean has cut down on tobacco smoking and is trying to stop completely.

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