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Name: Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet Review all six brainstorming strategies within Chapter 2 of the ebook (pages 17-19). © 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 1) Free Writing 2) Breaking Down a Topic 3) Listing 4) Mapping/Webbing 5) Three Perspectives 6) Journalistic Questions The “How Should I Brainstorm?” section within in the media piece “The Persuasive Writing Process” also reviews some of the strategies above. Access “The Persuasive Writing Process” in the Course Materials. Assignment Directions: 1. Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above. 2. Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen three methods. Each brainstorming session should last at least 10 minutes in length.



Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet

Review all six brainstorming strategies within Chapter 2 of the ebook (pages 17-19).

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

1) Free Writing

2) Breaking Down a Topic

3) Listing

4) Mapping/Webbing

5) Three Perspectives

6) Journalistic Questions



The “How Should I Brainstorm?” section within in the media piece “The Persuasive Writing Process” also reviews some of the strategies above. Access “The Persuasive Writing Process” in the Course Materials.

Assignment Directions:

1. Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above.

2. Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen three methods. Each brainstorming session should last at least 10 minutes in length.

3. Document the information from your brainstorming sessions in the space provided below. The information for each brainstorm should be substantive in nature, providing further insight into your current knowledge on your topic.

4. If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, document your brainstorm, please use the Smart Art feature within Word to create the map.

Documentation of Brainstorm:

In the three sections below, write the name of the brainstorming strategy you selected and provide the information you came up with during your brainstorming sessions. Make sure your information is substantive and is on your essay topic. Please do not write about the brainstorming strategies in general.

Brainstorm One:

Brainstorm Two:

Brainstorm Three:


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