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PS4062: The medical model of care has fostered the creation of stereotypes by fitting individuals into diagnostic categories: Introduction to Psychology Applied to Nursing & Midwifery Essay, UOL, Ireland

Options for Essay Questions Answer two of the following questions by writing an essay on each:

1. “The medical model of care has fostered the creation of stereotypes by fitting individuals into diagnostic categories (Payne & Walker, 1996).” Discuss this statement with reference to psychological research on stereotypes, social categorisation, and personcentred care.

2. Discuss the roles of biological, social, and environmental factors in children’s psychological development. Refer to psychological theories and research in your answer.

3. With reference to psychological research on social influence, discuss how health care professionals can attempt to change the attitudes and behaviours of patients.

4. Why do some people respond to and cope with stress differently from others? In your answer, discuss model(s) of stress and coping and psychological factors that may moderate the impact of stress on health.

5. In what ways are a person’s beliefs important for their health? In your answer, discuss the ‘Health Belief Model’ and the ‘Theory of Planned Behaviour.’

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