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To what extent and why do you think that the product lifecycle concept could have been a useful tool for Sunny Delight’s marketing managers?

1 To what extent and how does Sunny Delight’s approach to product launch and relaunch reflect what you would expect from product lifecycle theory?

2. To what extent and why do you think that the product lifecycle concept could have been a useful tool for Sunny Delight’s marketing managers?

3. What advice would you give Sunny Delight’s new owners to help them to make the most of their acquisition?

4. Gamma holds a niche position making high-quality motors for garden mowers. Many

major players such as Honda and Yamaha also operate in this sector. Discuss the problems

likely to face Gamma in maintaining its niche position.

5. .The high street banks have traditionally not segmented their markets or developed discrete positioning strategies for the different segments. Do you think that segmented offers would make sense for banks? How could such a strategy be operationalized?


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