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Why do you think there was a rise and eventual fall of this particular mode of transportation?

There was a rise and fall of lighter-than-air aviation, and during this era, there was great promise for the success of this mode of transportation. Today, this type of aviation has virtually disappeared; except for the occasional use at sports or special events.

Research the Internet for information about lighter-than-air aviation. In your initial post, address this question: Why do you think there was a rise and eventual fall of this particular mode of transportation?

The ideal original, primary posting should be approximately 150 words.

Article link: https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196758/lighter-than-air-flight/#:~:text=Lighter%2Dthan%2Dair%20flight%20was,thereby%20causing%20it%20to%20rise.

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