You are a recent Business graduate and you have just secured a job with the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation. Your first task is to work as part of a small project group of four on a Government funded assignment.
The relevant ministers are concerned about new and forthcoming advances in technology and how they will continue to impact our lives both in business and non-business communities. They are concerned about the challenges that are facing business managers, the wider societal implications and the ethical considerations of continued technological change.
Submission 1
produce comprehensive documentation on your chosen topic – you should present this in a word document.
You should choose a technology that you believe will – or is already beginning to – have a major impact on both the workplace or/and our wider society. It is envisaged that within your group some members will choose business-oriented technologies and others will choose technologies that have a wider societal impact.
Talk about the chosen technology here and compare it to one other technology that you considered to talking about.
Submission 2
Your work will serve to structure dialogue and debate in the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation on how the Government can support SMEs in access to finance, management development and business development programmes to ensure that the SME sector best serves their own needs by exploiting technological developments while also addressing any relevant ethical issues.
Your project will also serve to aid the Department in developing policies that ensure workplaces are safe, employment rights are respected, harmonious industrial relations are promoted and any disputes or breaches are handled efficiently and effectively; that skills needs are identified and met through alignment of education and training provision in our technologically advanced era.
Where appropriate (depending on your choice of technology) your work should aim to help the Government to create a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive society where technological advances can be promoted and used to empower people ensuring that our society is active, democratic and pluralistic.
you must complete each of the following:
(i) Provide a detailed description of the history and evolution of your chosen technology.
(ii) Discuss the current status of the technology in terms of its use and development and include any ethical considerations.
(iii) Provide a review of the current thinking i.e., where the technology is heading as presented by the leading proponents of the technology.
(iv) Discuss how the technology will effect changes within the workplace, or in our society or both as relevant to your technology and critically assess how these changes might be managed to ensure that any ethical considerations are addressed. Refer to any relevant adoption theories as appropriate.
(v) Critically assess the changes in human behaviour that results – or is likely to result – from the widespread use of your chosen technology. In your assessment highlight how, these changes might impact on management methodologies, on society in general and also assess any ethical issues that might arise.
The deadlines for your project are as follows:
Submission 1
Provide a summary of your project group as follows:
Give the names of the students in your group.
1a. you should propose a technology to work on. Then give a broad summary of the key aspects of the technology that they propose their group work on (the technology, the problem it addresses, objectives of your idea). Defend your reasons for your choice. Compare the chosen technology to another technology that you considered doing the project on.
1b. Explain how you came to a decision as to which technology to finally work with for your project 150 words for part 1b)
Submission 2
Your are required to complete parts (i) to (V) above in relation to the technology you have chosen to study.
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