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You work for a small Irish company that employs about 50 people, and your area is Information Technology (IT) support: Business data communications Assignment, NUI, Ireland

You work for a small Irish company that employs about 50 people, and your area is Information Technology (IT) support, looking after the company’s internal IT systems and services. The work is split between you and your immediate boss, who handles the more technical issues while you interact more with the IT users in the company.

The owner of the company likes to challenge his employees by getting them to prove their value to the company. It is now the turn of the IT Services team to justify their salaries and the cost of IT services (e.g. email, file storage, internet access, IT equipment…) provided.

Your boss is a technical expert but is not very good at expressing things in plain English, so it falls to you to write the report that both of your jobs depend on explaining clearly what you both do and what the IT systems do.

In particular, you need to justify the recent, expensive network upgrade that saw new network cabling (both copper and fiber) and new networking devices (routers, switches, wireless network access devices) installed, and a new Internet Service Provider selected. The cost of the upgrade is probably what prompted the company owner to shine a light on you and your boss.

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