Blueprint proposal for a tourism and hospitality enterprise

Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a 1200-word service blueprint proposal for a tourism and hospitality enterprise that will be assigned to you by your workshop facilitator in week 3. Please note that you will be required to use the designated enterprise in your second and third assessments. Assessment Description. This individual assessment aims to foster students’ ability to evaluate the use of service design and service-dominant logic in delivering service experiences by justifying the most effective characteristics of service-based industries and the service economy. Assessment Instructions During week 2, your workshop facilitator will assign you a service enterprise from the state in which you currently reside. If you are located offshore or have chosen this subject as an elective, please consult your workshop facilitator about a suitable alternative. Please note that if you focus on any other service enterprise than the one your workshop facilitator provides, your submission will receive a grade of zero. Once you have been assigned a service enterprise, you are required to prepare a written proposal that covers the following points:

• Provide a concise overview of the service enterprise and its total service offering.

• Evaluate the enterprise’s use of service design and service-dominant logic to provide detailed suggestions for improvement by considering various health risks and COVID-19 restrictions we have been experiencing for the past few years. A great starting point here would be a map of the service enterprise.

• Based on the suggestions for improvement, propose an alternative service blueprint by creating a detailed visual representation of the total service over time – showing the user’s journey, all the different touchpoints and channels, as well as the behind the scenes parts of a service that make it work.

You may wish to use Miro or PowerPoint to create the service blueprint. This part is not included in the word limit of your submission.


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