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TB801: The report of your study should be in the form of a business case made to a potential customer or supplier of your system or service: Technology and innovation management Essay, OU, UK

PART A – THE REPORT The report of your study should be in the form of a business case made to a potential customer or supplier of your system or service. 1. the current situation. This would include a description of the setting you have studied. Here, you could outline such matters as the problems … Read more

Explain how communication is used in health and social care settings, using different methods of communication as examples: Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Assignment, UK

Assignment PowerPoint presentation: Explain how communication is used in health and social care settings, using different methods of communication as examples. Use examples to demonstrate how barriers to communication in health and social care settings can be overcome. You are also required to explain the legal and ethical tensions existing when information is shared in … Read more

Explain the context for innovation and determine the difference between invention and innovation: Unit 8: Innovations and Commercialization Assignment, UK

LO1 Explain the context for innovation and determine the difference between invention and innovation. LO2 Explain the different types of innovation. LO3 Discuss the process required to commercialise innovation. LO4 Evaluate the range of methods for protecting ideas and understand their advantages and disadvantages. Introduction of innovation Innovation is the process and outcome of creating … Read more

You are a newly appointed assistant human resource officer for an organization of your choice: Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment, UK

Unit Learning Outcomes LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organization with talent and skills appropriate to fulfill business functions. LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation. Assignment Brief and Guidance Scenario and activity: You are a newly appointed … Read more

You are employed as an assistant within the professional development team of an organization of your choice: Unit 6 :Managing Successful Business Project Assignment, UK

Scenario and activity: You are employed as an assistant within the professional development team of an organization of your choice or you can choose your own place of work (if appropriate). You have been asked to conduct a small-scale project, in the form of an investigative case study, into the “talent management” within the organisation … Read more

You oversee a chemical plant producing 1,000 tonnes per year of biodiesel The overall biodiesel yield is 70wt% of the raw material used: RESIT ASSIGNMENT, UK

Process Economics You oversee a chemical plant producing 1,000 tonnes per year of biodiesel. The overall biodiesel yield is 70wt% of the raw material used. Raw material costs £500/tonne, and the biodiesel obtained sells for £900/tonne. A process modification has been devised that will increase the biodiesel yield to 80wt% of the raw material used, … Read more

In today’s volatile economic climate, the significance of leadership cannot be overestimated in relation to the success of any organization: Leadership Assignment, UCC, Ireland

In today’s volatile economic climate, the significance of leadership cannot be overestimated in relation to the success of any organization. Critically discuss this statement and the accompanying quotation. To support your discussion, it is imperative that a comprehensive literature review is conducted of the material provided supporting the lectures on Leadership and provided on Moodle. … Read more

You work for a small Irish company that employs about 50 people, and your area is Information Technology (IT) support: Business data communications Assignment, NUI, Ireland

You work for a small Irish company that employs about 50 people, and your area is Information Technology (IT) support, looking after the company’s internal IT systems and services. The work is split between you and your immediate boss, who handles the more technical issues while you interact more with the IT users in the … Read more

According to Smith et al (2012), culture “…pervades every organization and influences people’s attitudes: DL823 Y2 People in Organizations Assignment, NUI, Ireland

Topic 1: According to Smith et al (2012), culture “…pervades every organization and influences people’s attitudes and behaviors at work and the way they perform their daily activities.” Describe three factors that you consider are important in contributing to a positive organizational culture Discuss why a positive organizational culture can lead to improved performance in … Read more

Discuss the nursing care of a person experiencing comorbid physical and mental health problems: Mental Health Nursing Assignment, NUI, Ireland

Assignment Title: Discuss the nursing care of a person experiencing comorbid physical and mental health problems. Section 1: Discuss the inter-relationship between mental and physical health and explore the factors contributing to the physical health status of a person who is also experiencing mental health problems. Section 2:  Choose ONE case study from the options … Read more


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