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Instructions Content: You are a licensed practice nurse (LPN) collaborating with a registered nurse (RN) for a conference presentation about endocrine disorders. Your job is to create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation on an endocrine disorder. Select one endocrine disorder, and include the following on the PowerPoint: Title slide (1 slide) Etiology and pathophysiology of the disorder (1-2 slides) Common signs and symptoms of the disorder (1-2 slides)

Instructions Content: You are a licensed practice nurse (LPN) collaborating with a registered nurse (RN) for a conference presentation about endocrine disorders. Your job is to create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation on an endocrine disorder. Select one endocrine disorder, and include the following on the PowerPoint:   Title slide (1 slide) Etiology and pathophysiology … Read more

Chapter 1 Question #1: Survey the literature for the past six months to find one application of each for Decision Support System (DSS), Business Intelligence (BI), and Analytics. Summarize the application in one page and submit it with exact sources (in-text & corresponding reference list). – 1 page in APA Format Question #2: Find information about IBM Watson’s activities in the healthcare field. Write a one-page report. Submit it with exact source(s) (in-text & corresponding reference list). 1 page in APA Format

Chapter 1 Question #1: Survey the literature for the past six months to find one application of each for Decision Support System (DSS), Business Intelligence (BI), and Analytics. Summarize the application in one page and submit it with exact sources (in-text & corresponding reference list). – 1 page in APA Format Question #2: Find information … Read more

The history of organized crime.

            Summarize the history of organized crime. Make mention of events and individuals who contributed to its existence. Which criminological theories The post The history of organized crime. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.             Summarize the history of organized crime. Make mention of events and … Read more

Selecting a Marketing Strategy This week you will formulate a marketing strategy to use for a marketing project plan. Part 1: The 4Ps of Marketing Research the 4Ps of marketing and how it applies to health care. A strategy is generally formed around one of the 4Ps. As you complete this assignment, consider examples of strategies that can be formulated around each of the 4Ps.

HCS/472 v2 Selecting a Marketing Strategy HCS/472 v2 Selecting a Marketing Strategy This week you will formulate a marketing strategy to use for a marketing project plan. Part 1: The 4Ps of Marketing Research the 4Ps of marketing and how it applies to health care. A strategy is generally formed around one of the 4Ps. As … Read more

The laws surrounding illicit substances

      Throughout history, the laws surrounding illicit substances have changed substantially. Compare early 20th century United States with current day United States. What types The post The laws surrounding illicit substances first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.       Throughout history, the laws surrounding illicit substances have changed substantially. Compare early 20th century … Read more

Assignment Scenario After graduating from nursing school and passing your boards, you accepted a position as an RN in the Progressive Cardiac Care Unit (PCCU) at Rasmussen General Hospital (RGH). In the weeks ahead, the PCCU plans to implement a new initiative where clients who had supraventricular tachycardia will be sent home on an oral antidysrhythmic drug, quinidine. Historically, clients diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia were treated first in the PCUU and then they were transferred to the hospital’s observation unit for 24 hours and then

Assignment Scenario After graduating from nursing school and passing your boards, you accepted a position as an RN in the Progressive Cardiac Care Unit (PCCU) at Rasmussen General Hospital (RGH). In the weeks ahead, the PCCU plans to implement a new initiative where clients who had supraventricular tachycardia will be sent home on an oral … Read more

Crime Statistics

    The UCR is the official data collection method for reporting crimes known to the police or to the FBI for inclusion in the official The post Crime Statistics first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.     The UCR is the official data collection method for reporting crimes known to the police or to the … Read more

Carrying out selection interviews and performance reviews in the workplace

      With reference to the relevant academic literature, critically evaluate the necessary skills managers must have in order to carry out selection interviews and The post Carrying out selection interviews and performance reviews in the workplace first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.       With reference to the relevant academic literature, critically evaluate … Read more

Florida National University HSA-6163 Planning and Marketing in Health Services Administration: Assignment Week 4 Case Study: Chapters 7 and 8 Objective: The students will complete a Case study assignments that give the opportunity to synthesize and apply the thoughts learned in this and previous

Florida National University HSA-6163 Planning and Marketing in Health Services Administration: Assignment Week 4 Case Study: Chapters 7 and 8 Objective: The students will complete a Case study assignments that give the opportunity to synthesize and apply the thoughts learned in this and previous coursework to examine a real-world scenario. This scenario will illustrate through example … Read more


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