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Computer system architectures

    You are a systems architect and are asked by your manager to write a 2-page paper (executive summary) explaining to the company chief technology
The post Computer system architectures first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



You are a systems architect and are asked by your manager to write a 2-page paper (executive summary) explaining to the company chief technology officer (CTO) the different types of computer system architectures available and making a recommendation on what your company should adopt.

You are not bound by network size, network requirement, applications, or hardware; feel free to architect for any imaginary company you wish, just be sure to cover the following concepts:

Peer-to-peer architecture
Client/server architecture
Web-based computing
The network and protocols supporting the various architectures
Your paper should present a brief explanation of the three types of computer system architectures: peer-to-peer, client/server, and web-based. The paper should highlight the differences and use cases for each.

Additionally, it should propose one architecture, explain it in more detail, and outline the supporting infrastructure that makes it work end to end, which may include communication protocols, routers, switches, LAN, and WAN.


The post Computer system architectures first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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