Review the Case Study 7.2 related to Mega Bytes Restaurant (Bordoloi, pp. 205-209). Mega Bytes is a restaurant that caters to business travelers and has
The post Mega Bytes Restaurant first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.
Review the Case Study 7.2 related to Mega Bytes Restaurant (Bordoloi, pp. 205-209). Mega Bytes is a restaurant that caters to business travelers and has a selfservice breakfast buffet. To measure customer satisfaction, the manager constructs a survey and distributes it to diners during a three-month period. Review the Case Study and answer the following questions in Case Study format
1. How is SSM different from Deming’s PDCA cycle?
2. Prepare a cause-and-effect or fishbone diagram for a problem such as: “Why do customers have long waits for coffee.” Your fishbone diagram should be similar to that in Figure 7.17, using the main sources of cause: policy,
procedure, people, and physical environment.
3. How would you resolve the difficulties that study teams have experienced when applying SSM?
The post Mega Bytes Restaurant first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.