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American Made Some things to consider as you compose your paper: Why is this important to U.S. history? Does it relate to a group or groups who have been forgotten about? Is it about a subject that doesn’t usually fit in to U.S. history classes? Is it usually covered in history classes? Do few people know about the material? How is it relevant? What can it explain about the U.S.? What can it teach people today about the U.S.? How does this topic impact your world today

American Made

Some things to consider as you compose your paper:

Why is this important to U.S. history?

Does it relate to a group or groups who have been forgotten about?

Is it about a subject that doesn’t usually fit in to U.S. history classes? Is it

usually covered in history classes?

Do few people know about the material?

How is it relevant?

What can it explain about the U.S.?

What can it teach people today about the U.S.?

How does this topic impact your world today


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