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BUS7003 Implementing Strategy Assignment Task Questions

BUS7003 Implementing Strategy Assignment Answers Online


Assignment Details:-

Topic: Implementing Strategy
Subject: Management
Number of Words: 5000
Citation/Referencing Style: Harvard



Assignment Brief


As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit an Implementing Strategy assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.


Learning Outcomes:


After completing the module you should be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of strategic management theory


Demonstrate a critical understanding of vision, value & ethics


Critically evaluate organisations capability to successfully innovate


Critically assess the importance of ethics and the role of CSR in the development of an organisation.


Apply theories and concepts to resolve a range of business


Critically assess the strategic options for growth using a variety of marketing


Responsible Global Citizenship: Understand global issues and their place in a globalised economy, ethical decision-making and accountability. Adopt self-awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in culture.


Assignment Task


With reference to the information in the case study, Environmental Management at IBM (A): Making Sustainability Sustainable through Passion and Process; Henderson and Ponce de Leon Barido (2009) answer the following questions.


Henderson, R. and Ponce de Leon Barido, P., 2009. Environmental Management at IBM (A): Making Sustainability through Passion and Process. MIT Sloan Management Case 09-089.


Question 1

Undertake a strategic audit and critically evaluate IBM’s current position in the US marketplace concentrating on its external operating environment and its internal core competencies. You will need to utilise relevant management models from the course materials and provide supporting evidence from a range of external sources to support your academic argument.


Ensure you utilise fully as a minimum Porters 5 Forces, PESTLE, Porters Value Chain and core competences in response to question 1 using good quality sources of information that are fully referenced with the Harvard system.


Question 2

Critically evaluate IBM and its vision, value and ethics and its capability to successfully innovate. What is the current position in respect of their corporate social responsibility initiatives and are there any further actions that might be necessary for IBM to fulfil its environmental management strategy? Justify your position taken.


Ensure you first outline (Harvard referencing) academic best practice in terms of vision, value, ethics, innovation, corporate social responsibility before you then compare how the organisation is actually performing against this academic best practice theory in response to question 2 using good quality sources of information that are fully referenced with the Harvard system.


Question 3

Critically evaluate the strategic options for growth of IBM making use of the marketing models highlighted in the course materials. Justify your position taken.


Ensure you utilise as a minimum the Ansoff matrix in your response to question 3 using good quality sources of information that are fully referenced with the Harvard system.


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