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Critically assess the arguments for and against the doctrine of precedent, discussing as you do so the values, if any, promoted by precedential constraint. Assessment Criteria: The essay as a who

Critically assess the arguments for and against the doctrine of precedent, discussing as you do so the values, if any, promoted by precedential constraint.

Assessment Criteria:

The essay as a whole provides a clear answer to the question
The essay reflects an accurate understanding of the jurisprudential materials discussed and/or referred to
The essay critically discusses those (and only those) jurisprudential materials relevant to the topic
The essay clearly articulates a coherent argument
The expression in the essay is clear and grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct
Referencing is accurate, consistent and complete, as well as being in accordance with the AGLC4
The essay conforms to the task instructions immediately below


Task Instructions:


Your essay must include an introduction, body and conclusion.

A clear introduction.The introduction to your essay must state the central argument of your essay (that is a sentence which makes it clear what your argument is in response to the essay question you are answering). The introduction must also provide an outline (or road map) of the main issues that will be addressed in the body of the essay. You should also indicate the order in which these issues will be analysed.


The body of the essay.Focus strictly on the topic. Prosecute your argument. Avoid digression.


While it is as well very briefly to sum up in the conclusion what you have contended in the body of your essay, the conclusion not be merely a summary of what you have argued in the body of the essay. Instead, it should answer the question, “And so?”. That is, given what has just been argued, what follows?


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