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You are required to critically evaluate the strategic information systems (SIS) opportunities identified in assessment 1. Based on the SIS opportunities identified related to the selected company you are required to Design and propose a plan for an information system which can help solve a problem within the company. Additionally, critically evaluate challenges related to systems design and analysis.

You are required to critically evaluate the strategic information systems (SIS) opportunities identified in assessment 1. Based on the SIS opportunities identified related to the selected company you are required to Design and propose a plan for an information system which can help solve a problem within the company. Additionally, critically evaluate challenges related to systems design and analysis.


The proposed design and plan should be presented in a form of a 20-minutes video recording presenting multiple project materials/Write ups. The video recording must show students faces in the recordings. Materials/write ups should consist of:

Concept design write up
Data/ Information flow diagram
User interface (UI) – Sketches


Considering the SIS opportunities identified in assessment 1, you are required to propose a Design and plan for an information system. The information systems design and plan should consider the following elements:

Concept Design should include a discussion on the following:

Specific Data requirements – this should be based on the requirements of the SIS opportunities for your chosen company
Specific features of the systems (these do not have to be technical) – this should be based on the requirements of the SIS opportunities for your chosen company
Indication of Information generated by the System – this should be based on the requirements of the SIS opportunities for your chosen company
Indication of possible users of the system – this should be based on the requirements of the SIS opportunities for your chosen company
Indication of specific hardware requirements and configuration for the system –

Data/information flow diagram:

The diagram should show how information/ data is transfer from one point to another in the proposed systems design.
The diagram should clearly indicate the various types of information/ data being used and transferred within a system
The diagram should clearly indicate a starting and end points of the information/ data flow

User Interface (UI) Sketches:

Possible sketches of what the user interface of the system will look like.
The user interfaces should highlight specific features of the system that users will have access to.
Create a story board of User interface – if possible

Systems Analysis and Design Challenges


Your work will be marked against the criteria indicated on page 3 of this document


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