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Your report will analyze Mark Zuckerberg’s personal effectiveness skills, evaluate your own learning style, and compare and contrast strategies for self-improvement: Personal Effectiveness Assignment, BPP University, Ireland

2. Assessment Brief

The required submission for this assignment is a 2500 words “Personal Effectiveness Report”. Your report will analyze Mark Zuckerberg’s personal effectiveness skills, evaluate your own learning style, and compare and contrast strategies for self-improvement.

Students are required to complete Three tasks:

1. Analyse key competencies of Mark Zuckerberg
2. Evaluation of your own Learning Style, and
3. Comparison/contrast of two strategies for improving your skills The Learning Outcomes that you have to meet in order to pass this assessment are:

(LO1) Critically evaluate how people learn for professional development.

(LO2) Appraise the key skills and behaviours required to be effective in a professional context.

(LO3) Demonstrate understanding of a range of methods of supporting personal effectiveness in a professional environment.

Your Personal Effectiveness Report should contain the following:

TASK 1: Case Study Review

Analyse key skills and behaviours of Mark Zuckerberg

1) You need to identify and analyse minimum 2, maximum 4 skills and behaviours Mark Zuckerberg possesses. To locate these skills and behaviours, you will need to review the case studies found in each topic on the Hub. For each skill or behaviour you analyse, you should:

• Identify the skill or behaviour of Mark Zuckerberg

• Give an example of how Mark Zuckerberg uses it

• Analyse why the skill or behaviour is beneficial or useful, and also its limitations

2) To support your analysis, you must refer to the case studies and use additional reading resources from this module. You could also include ideas from articles on leadership and personal effectiveness from the online library.

3) You must apply at least one framework of personal effectiveness, for example:

• Personal Brand Dimensions
• CEO Genome Project
• Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People
• CMI Code of Conduct
• ILM Code of Conduct
• Ryff’s Six-factor Model of Psychological Well-being

TASK 2: Evaluation of Learning Style

1) You are required to identify your own learning style. You can do this by completing Honey and Mumford’s learning styles questionnaire (or other suitable test) and provide a summary of the results.

The completed questionnaire must be attached as an appendix.

2) Identify your two main learning styles and explain the strengths and limitations of each. You should give examples of your own personal qualities, activities you have personally carried out and situations you have personally encountered which are most/least suitable to each style.

You should support this evaluation with references to additional reading resources from this module. You could also include ideas from articles in the online library.

TASK 3: Comparison of Methods of Improving Skills

1) Identify two methods for improving your skills and briefly explain how they are used.

2) Identify the similarities and differences between the two methods.

3) Discuss which method would be more effective to develop your skills and explain why.

You should support this comparison with references to additional reading resources from this module. You could also include ideas from articles in the online library.

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