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Hudson(2005) contends that once labelled as a ‘sexual offender’ the label becomes the most salient part of ones identity: Contemporary Issues in Social Care Essay, SETU, Ireland

Learning Outcomes LO2 Create a practice understanding of the issues related to the treatment of sexual offenders LO3 Critically analyse the cultural and social influences that form and perpetuate identity. Assignment: Hudson(2005) contends that once labelled as a ‘sexual offender’ the label becomes the most salient part of ones identity. Considering this statement discuss the … Read more

BMS409: Analyze the above statement and explain why innovation and enterprise are both fundamental in business: Innovation and Enterprise Essay, NCD, UK

ASSESSMENT Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from the module:  LO1    Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of innovation and idea generation and the common factors that lead to innovative success or failure within an organization.  TASK “A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it … Read more

HCM553: Performance Management and Total Rewards Strategy

ASSIGNMENT CONTENT: Select an organisation you are familiar with. State clearly the industry. Information tech (IT) Develop the “Employee Value Proposition Statement” and “Performance Based Reward Policy Statement” emphasising the policies and practices of implementing performance-based reward framework in the organisation. Explain the policy intent and guiding principles clearly in this Policy Statement. Describe the … Read more

present the financial affairs of a parent company and its legally distinct subsidiaries as if they were a single unified economic entity: Corporate Accounting Assignment, OUM, Malaysia

The purpose of consolidated financial statements is to ‘present the financial affairs of a parent company and its legally distinct subsidiaries as if they were a single unified economic entity (Huefner and Largay III, 1990, p. 26). However, problems persist in relation to consolidated financial reporting such as ‘control when ownership is absent; technical issues … Read more

Explain the duties and responsibilities of own work role and how relevant standards can promote best practice in the health and social care sector: Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care Assignment, UK

TASK 1 1.1 Explain the duties and responsibilities of own work role. 1.2 Explain how relevant standards can promote best practice in the health and social care sector. 1.3 Explain how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. TASK2 excluding diagrams, references and appendices 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in … Read more

QUESTION 1 [20 MARKS] 1.1 You have been appointed as an E-commerce expert to manage and facilitate the migration of a traditional brick and mortar store to an online E-Commerce platform. The team has asked you to assist with a few concepts relating to E-Commerce. 1.1.2 Explain what a payment gateway is and the need to integrate it into the new platform (2marks) 1.1.3 Explain 5 different types of Payment gateways for E-Commerce (5 marks ) 1.1.4 Explain to the team ways

QUESTION 1 [20 MARKS] 1.1 You have been appointed as an E-commerce expert to manage and facilitate the migration of a traditional brick and mortar store to an online E-Commerce platform. The team has asked you to assist with a few concepts relating to E-Commerce. 1.1.2 Explain what a payment gateway is and the need … Read more

ICT162: Object Oriented Programming

Read the following introduction before attempting this TMA. In the game of Golf, golfers have a collection of tools that they used to get the golf ball from the tee box to the hole. These tools are called golf clubs. A golfer is allowed to carry these clubs in his golf bag and free to … Read more

MOD003507:Use a portfolio approach to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements the company has used in the UK since 2019: Principles and Practices of Marketing Assignment, ARU, UK

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Choose one of the following companies: Food Delivery Services Footwear Retailers Uber Eats Russell and Bromley Deliveroo Office Just Eat Clarks If you choose any other company you will be graded 0. Use a portfolio approach (visuals and written commentary) to demonstrate how four of the seven marketing mix elements the company has … Read more

Identify THREE (3) key talent management issues faced by multinational corporations in aligning their people-management policies: Human Resource Management Assignment, OUM, Malaysia

1. Identify THREE (3) key talent management issues faced by multinational corporations in aligning their people-management policies with the organization’s strategy to maintain a competitive advantage for their business survival. 2. As the Chief Human Resource Officer, develop THREE (3) global human capital initiatives to create a high-potential workforce and enhance competitiveness in a multi-national … Read more

ECON1035: Business Statistics 1

Problem Description This is a further analysis of the public-private pay gap for individuals with similar productive characteristics in the Australian population. Mahuteau et al. (2017) report that (1) on average public sector workers earn about 5.1% more hourly wages than those in the private sector and (2) that this wage premium (comparatively higher wages … Read more


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