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You will investigate a real and current issue within the field of macroeconomics and must demonstrate that you can structure a study on a macroeconomics subject, identify information needs, draw from the body of existing knowledge on a particular subject, compare theory with practice, construct reasoned arguments supported by evidence, and make logical conclusions, all within a context of an individual written report, and strict deadlines. Topic: For this assessment, you are required to critically discuss the view that macroeconomic policies influence and contribute to the attainment of rapid, sustainable economic growth aimed at poverty reduction, by applying it in a country’s economy of your choice. What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to: • Demonstrates knowledge of market structure in the macroeconomic field and awareness of current evidence and issues. • Research the relevant literature in order to identify patterns of different economic behaviour, compare the various points of view and develop own perspective.

Business Economics AAF045-6 Assignment number and title AS002 Individual report Assignment type WR-I Weighting of assignment 60% Size or length of assessment 3000 words (Excluding References) Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the way an economic system is structured, the economic theoretical and methodological approaches and the outcome of their … Read more

30201140: Security

Assignment Brief and Guidance Bombino is an international courier company well known as the most reliable delivery company in the world. A large number of high-profile business entrust Bombino to deliver their goods including Banks to deliver credit cards, Ecommerce business to deliver goods of all types including high value electronics and governmental agencies like … Read more

BUS366: The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has brought substantial impact and changes to the economy and society: Lean Six Sigma Assignment, SUSS

Section A Answer all questions in this section. Background and Overview of Report The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has brought substantial impact and changes to the economy and society. Organizations have to adjust or completely redesign their business processes to cope with the impact and changes brought by the pandemic. Lean Six Sigma has been … Read more

You are a Digital Specialist Consultant who has been appointed by the organisation to review their current digital strategy and to make recommendations for improvement in a report. There are two parts to the report. The first part involves evaluating the organisation’s current digital strategy. An overview of the organisation’s current digital strategy is provided to you on Blackboard. The second part involves developing recommendations to improve the organisation’s digital strategy. The following suggested outline provides a more detailed overview of the requirements. You should also refer to the criteria sheet for further guidance. 1. Introduction (a

AMN425 Digital Strategy and Analytics Assessment 1: Digital Strategy Guidelines You are a Digital Specialist Consultant who has been appointed by the organisation to review their current digital strategy and to make recommendations for improvement in a report. There are two parts to the report. The first part involves evaluating the organisation’s current digital strategy. … Read more

HBC101: Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier that month, Singapore’s Foreign Minister Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan delivered a Ministerial Statement: Understanding Contemporary Society: The Social and Behavioural Sciences Assignment, SUSS

Question Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier that month, Singapore’s Foreign Minister Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan delivered a Ministerial Statement in Parliament on 28 February 2022, presenting Singapore’s perspectives on the conflict and explaining the response taken. Balakrishnan, Vivian (2022, February 28). “Ministerial Statement on the Situation in Ukraine and its Implications”. This assignment requires … Read more

This assignment continues to explore NP-Completeness and NP-Complete problems. Homework Problems 1. Undirected Hamiltonian Paths (12 pts) 2. Hamiltonian Cycles (12 pts) 3. Making Hamiltonian Paths (11 pts) 4. README (1 point) Total: 36 points Submitting Submit your solution to this assignment in Gradescope hw12. Please assign each page to the correct problem and make sure your solutions are legible. A submission must also include a README containing the required information. 1 Undirected Hamiltonian Paths Prove that UHAMPATH (from lecture) is NP-Complete. Start with the ideas from class. Make sure to include all the required parts of the proof as described in le

This assignment continues to explore NP-Completeness and NP-Complete problems. Homework Problems 1. Undirected Hamiltonian Paths (12 pts) 2. Hamiltonian Cycles (12 pts) 3. Making Hamiltonian Paths (11 pts) 4. README (1 point) Total: 36 points Submitting Submit your solution to this assignment in Gradescope hw12. Please assign each page to the correct problem and make … Read more

In this assignment, you will complete some major steps of the SDLC with different roles. Firstly, as a project manager, you will prepare a project plan for the prototype development based on the resources in your team and the time allocated to the assignment. Task deliverables include an overview of your project (a brief executive summary about project stakeholders, objectives, and deliverables), a work-breakdown structure, a PDM for activity definition and dependency, and a Gantt chart for scheduling and time estimation. Note: You are not required to plan for the whole software but only your prototype. Secondly, as a requirements analyst, you will model and analyse the requirements using different modelling techniques. Task deliverables include a use case diagram, an integrated behavior tree, and a requirement specification (using the FURPS framework or User Stories). Thirdly, as a developer, you will

2813ICT Software Engineering Fundamentals Assignment Trimester 2, 2022 Project Management Requirement Analysis Prototype Development Software Testing Rationale The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to initiate and manage a software project with proper methods and tools. You need to plan for your project and manage your project for timely completion. Also, you … Read more

You have been advised by the board of the company that they wish to expand the company’s operations internationally and would like to explore the options of entering either Country A or Country B. Your task, as the international marketing manager is to recommend which country/markets should e selected and why (based on a market entry analysis, see below for instructions). 1. Executive Summary: o Provide an overview of the main findings of your report, including key recommendation/s. 2. Company Background: o Briefly describe the c

Assessment Item 1: Market Entry Analysis (35%) (Individual Assignment*) – 1500 words Due Monday 5th September The purpose of this assignment is for students to analyse the potential internationalisation of an Australian product to a foreign market. Students must analyse the two foreign markets provided and choose the appropriate country to enter, as well as … Read more

You are now working at a boutique retail marketing consultancy – as a market researcher. The assumed scenario is that the Dusk Group Limited (https://www.dusk.com.au/ (Links to an external site.)) has commissioned your firm to develop a marketing plan for a new concept store. As the first step to preparing that marketing plan, your manager has asked you to research situational factors currently at play and those impacting the foreseeable future. This will mostly involve secondary research [i.e., utilising existing information sources] and will also involve some degree of assumption where full information is not readily available. Dusk Group Limited is listed on the Australian stock exchange (ASX code: DSK), so investor reports and presentations made by the company may provide a rich source of data [among various other sources]. The aim of this assignment is to conduct a systematic, comprehensive and objective analysis of the situational factors affecting the industry and the company. This situational analysis report should not be more than 1800 words in length excluding the title page, executive summary, table o

Course- Master of Human Resource Management Unit-Marketing Leadership Assignment 2- Research Project Unit Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain the marketing management process to achieve the strategic objectives of an organisation. 2. Propose solutions to authentic marketing problems using critical thinking skills and appropriate research techniques Value: 45% of the final mark Group or individual: Individual Word … Read more

You are a Digital Specialist Consultant who has been appointed by the organisation to review their current digital strategy and to make recommendations for improvement in a report. There are two parts to the report. The first part involves evaluating the organisation’s current digital strategy. An overview of the organisation’s current digital strategy is provided to you on Blackboard. The second part involves developing recommendations to improve the organisation’s digital strategy. The following suggested outline provides a more detailed overview of the requirements. You should also refer to the criteria sheet for further guidance. 1. Introduction (approximately 50 words) Provide a short introduction of the purpose of this report. 2. Digital Strategy Evaluation (approximately 1000 words) You need to evaluate the organisation’s digital strategy using both theory and information from the business context. That is, you need to present the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation’s digital strategy and justify your viewpoints with evidence from the overview of the digital strat

AMN425 Digital Strategy and Analytics Assessment 1: Digital Strategy Guidelines You are a Digital Specialist Consultant who has been appointed by the organisation to review their current digital strategy and to make recommendations for improvement in a report. There are two parts to the report. The first part involves evaluating the organisation’s current digital strategy. … Read more


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