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BUSM2562: Understanding the Business Environment Assessment Details There are TWO parts in this individual assessment task. You must carefully read through the instructions provided to ensure there is a clear understanding of what is expected, to assist with preparing and structuring the report for Part 1, and to understand how to prepare the reflection for Part 2. You must submit both parts of the assessment. Part 1 Instructions: For this assessment task, you are expected to conduct an analysis of the business environment for a chosen case and prepare a report. Before preparing the written report itself, you need to make an important decision (i.e., select your case) and get approval to proceed (from tutorial partic

BUSM2562: Understanding the Business Environment Assessment Details There are TWO parts in this individual assessment task. You must carefully read through the instructions provided to ensure there is a clear understanding of what is expected, to assist with preparing and structuring the report for Part 1, and to understand how to prepare the reflection for … Read more

ICTNWK424: Install and operate small enterprise branch networks Assessment Descriptions Please answer the following questions. 1.1 While designing a network for one of ABC Inc’s branch offices, Edward realized that he couldn’t simply use the default “192.168.2.X” IP address for every one of ABC’s hardware. As it turned out this only allows for a maximum of 255 devices while he’s required to set up at least 400 in the start, they’re expecting this branch to grow within the next 2 years and may need to upsize even further, they already have plans to purchase the land next to their cu

ICTNWK424: Install and operate small enterprise branch networks Assessment Descriptions Please answer the following questions. 1.1 While designing a network for one of ABC Inc’s branch offices, Edward realized that he couldn’t simply use the default “192.168.2.X” IP address for every one of ABC’s hardware. As it turned out this only allows for a maximum … Read more

BSBPMG430: Undertake project work Part A Task summary You are required to answer all of the following questions. You need to answer all of the written questions correctly. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long. Please answer the questions using word processing software. Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. List five project management tools and explain their use in project management. 2. Outline three types of documents and sources of information that are used to define the parameters of a project. 3. Explain the importance of planning for risks in a project and list three processes that can be used to identify risks as part of a risk assessment process for a project.

BSBPMG430: Undertake project work Part A Task summary You are required to answer all of the following questions. You need to answer all of the written questions correctly. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long. Please answer the questions using word processing software. Provide answers to all of the … Read more

BSB50420: Diploma of Leadership and Management Answer the following questions: 1.1. Explain the process to establish and review profits and losses from financial statements. 1.2. Why it is important to review profits and losses from financial statements? Answer in 150-200 words – It helps the organisation determine where they are at in their plans, what is working, what needs to be changed etc 1.3. Explain the following processes/methods of analysing financial statements in 150-200 words. Vertical Analysis – a process in which each line item is identified as a percentage of a base figure in the statement. Horizontal Analysis – It examines and compares shifts in a company’s financial figures over various reporting periods Q.2. Answer the following questions regarding principles of accounting and budgeting:

BSB50420: Diploma of Leadership and Management Answer the following questions: 1.1. Explain the process to establish and review profits and losses from financial statements. 1.2. Why it is important to review profits and losses from financial statements? Answer in 150-200 words – It helps the organisation determine where they are at in their plans, what … Read more

CPCCBC4005:Produce labor and material schedules for ordering Questions a) Identify a national and a state/territory-specific government building and construction legislation that could impact the production of schedules for physical and human resources and materials for residential or commercial projects. The work health and safety ACT 2011 b) Identify a national and a state/territory-specific government building and construction regulation that could impact the production of schedules for physical and human resources and materials for residential or commercial projects. a) List three (3) types of drawings and/or specifications that you need to review to when producing a schedule for physical and human resources and materials for residential or commercial projects.

CPCCBC4005:Produce labor and material schedules for ordering Questions a) Identify a national and a state/territory-specific government building and construction legislation that could impact the production of schedules for physical and human resources and materials for residential or commercial projects. The work health and safety ACT 2011 b) Identify a national and a state/territory-specific government building and construction regulation that could impact the production of schedules for physical … Read more

NURS3003: Dynamics of Practice 3 Case Study: Mr and Mrs Walters BACKGROUND When Ellen was hospitalized, Michael reported that prior to the stroke Ellen was becoming increasingly vague and was displaying short term memory deficits. Ellen had a lack of insight with regards to her physical and memory abilities and would often leave the house during the day – when Michael was at work he had received phone calls from Ellen stating she taken the bus to the main shopping centre but was not sure not sure how to get home. Michael is semi-reti

NURS3003: Dynamics of Practice 3 Case Study: Mr and Mrs Walters BACKGROUND When Ellen was hospitalized, Michael reported that prior to the stroke Ellen was becoming increasingly vague and was displaying short term memory deficits. Ellen had a lack of insight with regards to her physical and memory abilities and would often leave the house … Read more

Protecting basic human rights

  Apart from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what other human rights frameworks, approaches, and instruments protect basic human rights? List at least five other The post Protecting basic human rights first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.   Apart from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what other human rights frameworks, approaches, and instruments protect … Read more

Leadership and Regulatory Perspectives

Welcome to Advanced Project Management Role of the Board of Directors from Leadership and Regulatory Perspectives Agenda Topic Learning Outcome Recap Previous Topic Project Boards Activity 1: Project boards in PRINCE2® Boards of Directors Activity 2: Boards of directors, governance and ethics Review of Apply & Consolidate Activities Formative assignment preparation Recap, Q&A, Next steps … Read more

Project Management

Welcome to Advanced Project Management Project Selection & Portfolio ManagementAgenda Topic Learning Outcome Recap Previous Topic Project, Program and Portfolio Activity: Accountability Exercise Project Screening and Selection Activity: Project Selection at Nova Western Project Portfolio Selection and Management Activity: Portfolio Management at Microsoft Customer Service and Support The PMO Review of Apply & Consolidate Activities … Read more

Strategy, Structure and Culture Agenda

Welcome to Advanced Project Management Organisational Context of a Project – Strategy, Structure and Culture Agenda Topic Learning Outcome Introducing Each Other Module Topics Projects and Organisational Strategy Activity: Volkswagen TOWS Matrix Projects and Organisational Structure Activity: Recommend an Org Structure Projects and Organisational Culture Activity: Electronic Arts and Organisational Culture Review of Apply & … Read more


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