Disposability & Appropriate Action One of the main takeaways from this week is that the problem of modern waste: Geography Assignment, UOL, Ireland

Disposability & Appropriate Action One of the main takeaways from this week is that the problem of modern waste is rooted in our current system of production rather than individual consumers. For example, as long as the fossil fuel industry continues to be granted permission to extract oil and gas, plastics will continue to be mass-produced and accumulate as waste in our environment.

In this case, a ban on licenses to drill for oil and gas makes much more sense, than bringing in a plastic bag tax. Why do you think that efforts to address waste problems, such as plastic waste, have largely focussed on individual behavioral change and consumption? How do you think this can change and can you point to any examples where action on waste is shifting the focus to the sphere of production rather than consumption?

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