Many airlines around the world publish financial statements which usually includ

Many airlines around the world publish financial statements which usually include a balance sheet and a statement of income. These reports are very useful in determining the financial health and performance of these airlines. It is regularly the role of aviation consultants to critically analyse financial and other key industry metrics of an airline to fully understand their market position, strengths and weaknesses. Analysis of such data enables the consultancy firm to formulate strategic recommendations with appropriate forecasting.
For this task, you are to obtain financial statements of an airline of your choice and then calculate some key financial metrics. Based on the findings of your analysis and research, you should identify the strengths of the airline and formulate 3 strategic recommendations to improve its finances.
You may find it useful to read aviation management and finance books and articles to explain your data. Please remember to reference any sources used.
You are to work alone in writing the report and all submissions must be individual.


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