What do we do with our knowledge? This week we focus on the often invisible labors carried out by hundreds of millions: Geography of Waste Assignment, UOG, Ireland

What do we do with our knowledge? This week we focus on the often invisible labors carried out by hundreds of millions of people around the world involved in waste picking and sorting. The main focus is on solid waste, but we also look at digital waste and the work carried out by content moderators online.

In all cases, we are talking about socially necessary work that is often harmful, poorly paid, and carried out by the most marginalized in society. This waste work allows the rest of society to enjoy the benefits of a less polluted environment – online and offline – as well as allows the disposable economy to continue to grow.

How does this make you feel – angry, guilty, sad, frustrated?
Do we have a responsibility to do something about it?
What can we do about it? Would you like to spend more time in class discussing this?

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