NS4036: Optimum nutrition is critical in the management of preterm infants: Sepsis In Children Assignment, DCU, Ireland

Q. 1. Optimum nutrition is critical in the management of preterm infants. Difficulties can arise in providing for their nutritional needs as mechanisms for the ingestion and digestion of foods are not fully developed. Critically discuss the nutritional requirements of preterm infants. This should include a developmental approach to feeding (readiness to feed and feeding resistance), gavage, oral feeding (breast and bottle) as well as nursing interventions required for the preterm infant.
Q.2. Early recognition and intervention clearly improve the outcome for children presenting with sepsis. Critically discuss the incidence, assessment of patients at risk for developing sepsis, treatment and management including evidence-based nursing considerations of sepsis in children.
Q3. Improvements in paediatric care mean more children with previously lethal
conditions are now surviving into adulthood (Wijlaars et al. 2016). Critically discuss the effects of living with chronic health conditions for children, the effects on the family.

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