7BSP0355 – Case Analysis Companion
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Word Count : 2500 words
Case Analysis Companion (CAKE) is meant to support your learning throughout this semester. It is intended to be used as a formative record of your individual weekly intellectual journey and also a summative document to be refined.
Select one of the companies your group has chosen from those listed above, research it and critically analyse the global/ international strategies, by addressing either the overarching question above or the weekly questions on pages 2 and 3 of this companion.This document does not have suggested word count during the formative stage, however for the summative stage limit the word count to 2500. For the formative stage, write as much as you need to analyze the company you have selected so you are well prepared for your tutorial discussions and your summative assignments. When you complete this document, upload the file on the Canvas Assignment page, as an appendage to your summative individual presentation/ group discussion. Note the deadline for submitting the summative assignment is 11 pm on 15th December, 2022. Complete each section before the relevant tutorial and have it on hand while you meet for write your weekly blog.Please note although you are discussing the two companies you have selected in groups, to avoid academic misconduct and plagiarism ensure you write your answers in your own words and where material is taken from other sources you reference them correctly. You are researching and analyzing the companies you have selected to help you address the questions provided in this document as you engage in the weekly lecture and tutorial. Please bring your companion to each session so you can use it to engage in informed class discussions as well as refine your ideas in preparation for your summative assignments. Your overall task is to apply module frameworks in order to identify the organisations’ key opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses and to come up with recommendations. It is expected this analysis will inform your assessed summative work.
Unit 1: Introduction to International Business Strategy
Wk1. How has what you have learnt this week from the lecture, tutorial, discussion with classmates and own research helped you to understand your chosen company’s strategies?
Unit 2: Mega/ Macro environmental Analysis (outside- in perspective 1)
Drawing from what you have learned this week and your own analysis of your chosen company’s industry context, what are the key threats and opportunities to your company? Apply at least one of the theories covered in class such as megatrend trends, PESTEL or CAGE. Show engagement with material covered in class this week.
Unit 3: An analysis of the industry environment (outside- in perspective 2)
A conduct a critical analysis of your company’s industry context: From your analysis what are the key threats and opportunities to your company? Why? (Spend a few minutes writing down your thoughts in this section during the lecture and then discuss your thoughts with your classmates in the tutorials.)
Unit 4: An analysis of the firm’s internal environment (inside-out perspective)
Use this space to write down key insights from this week’s lecture, discussion with classmates and own research. From your analysis what are your chosen company’s key strengths and weaknesses? Provide some evidence to support your arguments.
Unit 5: A critical analysis of your company’s shareholders and stakeholders:
Spend a few minutes writing down your thoughts in this section during the lecture and then discuss your thoughts with your classmates in the tutorials. From your analysis what are your chosen company’s key opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses? (Apply at least one framework you have learned in class).
Unit 6: Strategic options (e.g. innovation, HQ/ Sub relationship, International operational/ strategic choices etc)
Spend a few minutes writing down your thoughts in this section during the lecture and then discuss your thoughts with your classmates in the tutorials. What are your chosen company’s strategic options?
Unit 7: Strategy Implementation / recommendations
Recommend a way forward for your company in the short, medium and long term. Support your arguments with academic theory.
Unit 8 :
Thinking back to your learning experience over the last 7 weeks, what are your key takeaway(s) from engaging in this assignment? What went well? What went wrong? If you were to repeat this assignment what would change? Why?
Show engagement with the weekly reading and references from material cover in the lecture and tutorial. Ensure your references are correctly formatted.
The post 7BSP0355 – Case Analysis Companion first appeared on Krita Infomatics.
The post 7BSP0355 – Case Analysis Companion appeared first on Krita Infomatics.