You will be required to write a 2500-word essay on Leadership in Paramedic practice in relation to your experience and role as an apprentice paramedic.
The essay is broadly split into three parts.
Firstly, you will need to critically Analyse and reflect on how knowledge of leadership theories may enhance your role as a leader. You must explore leadership theories, the scope of practice, and the ability to adapt, delegate and deliver person-centred care. This can be in response to single or multiple care episodes. LO2
Secondly, you must include within your work a critical exploration of relevant legislation, and policy at local and national levels related to any patient encounter which you have presented. This must include legal and ethical aspects that inform contemporary paramedic practice. LO1
Thirdly you must provide an overview of integrated networks and interprofessional working in relation to your caring episode. The discussion may reference networks which are national or locally organised. You must critically discuss how interprofessional working influenced the care provided. LO3
You will need to provide an introduction and conclusion within the essay.
Ensure that you support your work with relevant data and contemporaneous literature, correctly referenced using the UOC (University of Cumbria) Harvard reference system.
The body text of your assignment must address all three of the module’s intended learning outcomes.
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the underlying concepts and principles regarding professional, legal, and ethical aspects of contemporary paramedic practice, with specific reference to the concepts of accountability
2. Analyse and critically reflect on the role of the paramedic as a clinical leader and the sphere of influence with regard to self-management, resilience, and delegation.
3. Demonstrate critical understanding to the needs of Integrated Care within practice, appreciating valued application of effective inter-professional working
Submission is via Turnitin