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Preparation for Term Project This is the information for the term project in this course. This assignment will be due at the end of Module 7. For your Term Project: 1. Select a: problem to solve/ question to answer/ gap in knowledge 2. Develop a research paper solving the problem selected. 3. Choose a research approach, method, and design. 4. Prior to solving the problem, students must write a fra

Preparation for Term Project

This is the information for the term project in this course. This assignment will be due at the end of Module 7.

For your Term Project:

1. Select a:  problem to solve/ question to answer/ gap in knowledge

2. Develop a research paper solving the problem selected.

3. Choose a research approach,  method, and design.

4. Prior to solving the problem, students must write a framework that provides reliability and validity to the project with the following information:

       4.1 Type of research and philosophical worldviews.

       4.2 Explanation of your methodological approach.

       4.3 Describe methods of data collection and analysis.

       4.4 Identify any tools used in your research

5. Present your results.

6. Conclude your report.

7. Enlist your references

8. Students could add more information to the research project for the purpose of obtaining better results or conclusions.

The assignment will meet the APA 6th edition format criteria, minimum 7 pages, minus cover and reference pages, following the structure:

  1. Title page

  2. Body (Use an APA format heading to separate each section)

  3. References (make sure that each reference is cited in the text)

  4. Add as one of the references the Course bookCreswell, J.W. (2014). Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Fourth Edition, Sage: London


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