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5L7V0012: Identify and assess the challenges facing firms as they seek to increase economic value in international markets: Business and Law Report, MMU, Ireland


Identify and assess the challenges facing firms as they seek to increase economic value in international markets.
View firms and their competitive situations through a range of strategic perspectives.
Assess the strategic choice decisions of firms by drawing from the case study material.
Identify the sources of competitive performance among firms.

Assignment Details

Information on the host market of choice, including industry-specific considerations within the host market.
Explanation of the major motives for your chosen firm’s internationalization into that specific host country.
Critical analysis of your chosen firm’s competitiveness in the home and host markets.
Critical analysis of the characteristics or attributes of the host market.
Corporate social responsibility considerations in entering the host market.
Evaluations and conclusions of internationalization from the lens of global strategic positioning

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