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A Case Study: Business Strategy & Decision Making

Assessment One – Individual Strategic Case Study                                                                                                                  

A Case Study: Business Strategy & Decision Making

Due Date and Time: Submission size: Word limit:

Grade Contribution:

Sunday 7 June 2020 (11.55 pm).

1 submission (word or PDF document) not exceeding 10 MB. up to 4,000 words


You are the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of a New Zealand-based entity. As a decision maker, you are expected to provide leadership and strategic direction as the organisation considers the implications for its future in a globally-influenced, post-COVID-19 economy.

Choose one of the following two scenarios, feel free to incorporate COVID-19 outcomes in your thinking:

Scenario One The company has been involved in international markets for several years and now has an established offshore presence in its initial target markets. It is at a transition point with international sales demand causing considerable internal pressures given the increased complexity of operating internationally. It is clear that the company’s existing strategic plan is no longer sufficiently flexible nor robust enough to sustain its market penetration to date, much less accommodate the rapidly changing nature of global value chains – notably supply chain issues created by Covid 19.

Scenario Two The organisation is primarily focused on a domestic strategy within the New Zealand economy, albeit it has varying degrees of contact with overseas suppliers or with similar organisations in other countries. It has a national profile but is at a transition point as pressures build within its local operating environment given the increased complexity of government policy expectations and sectorally-driven demands. It is clear that the organisation’s existing strategic plan is no longer sufficiently flexible nor robust enough to sustain its existing position, let alone support any repositioning that takes into account rapidly changing post-Covid global conditions impacting the New Zealand economy.

You are required to write up a teaching case study that can be used as a stakeholder development tool to embed and explain the company’s emerging international strategy under your leadership.

The case study is to be a structured narrative and should encompass the following elements:

A brief introduction summarising the company’s strategic dilemma.

A review of the current situation together with a contextually-informed view of the future environment in which the company will be operating (including reference to concepts covered in the 115.821 course).

A clear obtainable strategic objective.

A discussion of the capabilities and capacities required to achieve this strategic objective.

A compelling conclusion regarding strategic management for the future.

Appendices, as appropriate, with data relevant to the decision making presented in the case.

You can base this case study on a real company, on your own organisation, or a fictitious entity. You may NOT base it on one of the live case study companies.

If using a real company, you may find that not all information you need is publicly available. Where necessary, make reasonable assumptions (and note these in your presentation). Detailed financials will not be necessary for this exercise. Summarised details / assumptions will be sufficient.

Assessment One – Reflective Component                                                                                                                 

This component of up to 750 words submitted as part of Assessment One will count as a 10% contribution towards Assessment Three – Individual Reflection

Having laid out the required capabilities, strategic direction, etc. in your Strategic Case Study, do you feel that you personally have the ability to take on this leadership role? If so, why (relevant past experience, motivation, networks, etc.); if not, then why – skills or motivation? What skills/development (e.g., through training, mentoring, job experiences) would you need to feel confident in taking on this leadership challenge?

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