This is an individual project. It is worth 40% of your final grade for this course.
You are to write a 2000-word analysis of ONE variety of English. It can be a first-language variety (e.g. Australian English), a second-language variety (e.g. Singaporean English) or English as a lingua franca.
Your analysis should focus on ONE OR TWO of the following characteristics of your selected variety:
Phonological (e.g. characteristics of an Irish English accent)
Syntactic (e.g. characteristics of grammar in African-American Vernacular English)
Lexical (e.g. loan-words from Maori in New Zealand English)
Pragmatic (e.g. How people compliment each other in American English)
(You should not explore more than two characteristics or you will not be able to provide sufficient detail about each.)
Your analysis should incorporate transcribed samples of language from recorded conversations, film, or television. Note that you will only need a short (2-3 minutes) segment of talk for your analysis. You may also analyse printed materials that are written in your chosen variety, e.g. novels, short stories or news articles.
This analytical project is due for submission by Friday 4 June 2021 at 11.59pm. It is to be submitted through an online submission portal on the course’s Learning@Griffith site.
No Griffith University cover sheet is required, and you are not required to submit any audio files used during your analysis.
You should have a complete transcription of your selected sample of language as an appendix at the back of your analytical project. This will not be part of your word count.
Your references may be listed in either Harvard or APA. Please choose one and use it consistently.
Applications for extensions or special consideration should be submitted through MyGriffith prior to the deadline. These must be supported by documentation, e.g. a medical certificate or counsellor’s letter. Please do not apply to your lecturer, tutor or course convenor directly.
If your Analytical Project does not receive a passing mark, you may revise and resubmit it within five working days after your mark has been made available to you. The revised paper should be sent directly to your Course Convenor.
Late submissions will be penalised in accordance with the University’s policy: marks are reduced by 5% each working day (i.e. Monday to Friday) and become zero after five working days.
Below are the four criteria by which your Analytical Project will be marked.
Relation of the project to theory/literature (/10)
Is the variety of English identified clearly and perceptively? Is it dealt with in a manner that is original, insightful and thought-provoking?
Is the discussion of the variety of English well-structured? Is there a logical, coherent, and consistent development?
Are a wide range of relevant sources used skilfully to support the discussion? Does the project draw on theories and concepts taught in this course?
Analysis (/20)
Is the language sample identified clearly and well-presented? Is the analysis clearly presented and well-structured?
Is there a logical, coherent and consistent development of the analysis?
Language and style (/5)
Is the language stylistically appropriate to the subject matter? Is it fluent, concise and clear?
Is it grammatically sophisticated?
Presentation (/5)
Is the assignment an appropriate length? Is the assignment neatly presented?
Is the text free of formatting errors?
Is the assignment well-structured throughout? Is referencing thorough and accurate?
Is a transcript included?
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