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BIM for Sustainable Project Management

BIM for Sustainable Project Management

Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services

Word Count : 3000 words

Learning outcomes:  

Assess critically a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs used in business and management research then use appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data  Choose the appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data that is relevant to the business projectEvaluate the validity and reliability of research instruments


Research Proposal: 

For the second formative assignment, students will create a summary description (2  pages) of a Consultancy Proposal with indicative timeline of milestone tasks and  activities. The consultancy proposal is due at the end of the second phase and must  also reflect ‘in action’ to include an account of what is happening, what is being  learned, what is expected from the project, and plans to ensure the project’s success.

Assessment details:

Research Proposal (3,000 words) will address Learning  Outcomes 1, 2 and 3. 


Harvard Referencing throughout the assignment where required. Follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for  assignment at the ULBS. 

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The post BIM for Sustainable Project Management appeared first on Krita Infomatics.


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