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Hospital Tour Report The student must complete the virtual Hospital… Hospital Tour Report The student must complete the virtual Hospital of Lahey Hospital Tour at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2IqPHiXFes&feature=youtube The student may also read more about Lahey Hospital Tour at https://www.lahey.org/lhmc/department/emergency-medicine/ Once the student has completed the hospital tour, the student must write a report on their experience on the tour. The report must be in APA format

Hospital Tour Report The student must complete the virtual Hospital…

Hospital Tour Report

  1. The student must complete the virtual Hospital of Lahey Hospital Tour at 
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2IqPHiXFes&feature=youtube
  1. The student may also read more about Lahey Hospital Tour   at
  • https://www.lahey.org/lhmc/department/emergency-medicine/
  • Once the student has completed the hospital tour, the student must write a report on their experience on the tour. The report must be in APA format 
  1. The student must give detailed explanation about the facility and what services are offered by the facility
  2. The student must describe the interdisciplinary health workers that work for the facility and also discuss educational requirements (credentialing, certifications, etc.) and essential job responsibilities of the staff
  3. The student will identify the primary population served by the facility
  4. What was the best / most interesting part of the experience?
  5. Is this an area where you would consider working? Why or Why not?


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