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Identify health and safety legislation relevant to a health and social care work setting. Explain the purpose of policies and procedures: Health and Social Care Assignment, OU, UK


Identify health and safety legislation relevant to a health and social care work setting.
Explain the purpose of policies and procedures relating to health and safety.
Explain the main health and safety responsibilities of:
i) All individuals in the work setting
ii) The employer and manager(s)
Explain how to support others to understand and follow safe working practices.
Explain the purpose of risk assessments in relation to health and safety.
Identify tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training.
Explain the importance of monitoring and reporting potential hazards and risks.
Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of their own whereabouts.
Explain how to access additional support or information regarding health and safety.
Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling.
Explain principles for safe moving and handling
Describe practices that prevent fires from starting.
Explain practices that prevent fires from spreading
Explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting.
Explain how and why clear evacuation routes are maintained at all times.
Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Describe what is meant by ‘infection’ and ’ colonization’

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